Dear reader, if you are a boy or a man under 30, then you have many possibilities. You are still very young and for sure have many options when it comes to shoes choosing process. You do not need to worry about you looking very serious, being afraid to look too young. You can for sure be confident with using sneakers, and casual shoes. If you are under 20 or 25 you freely use and buy perfectly matching your age sneakers and casual shoes of any color. Sure, you will look according to your age and be very stylish. On the other hand, avoid using and buying too many classy shoes because first of all you will not use them much, as you will not have many opportunities, and secondly, you are still young and there is no need to artificially make your age higher. On the other hand if you are under 30 but above 25 you must slowly transfer from the sneakers and casual shoes to classy dress shoes, but this must be done extremely carefully, as this is a transferring age. You, being in this age period, probably are the luckiest, because you can actively use both of them.
Once you have already enjoyed your youth wearing casual jeans, sport clothes, matching them with as many boots, as many sneakers and casual shoes as you wanted it is the right time to replace them with dress and classy shoes. With age and maturity you have to show you status, you have to show your style and this does not make your choice narrower, because in classy shoes also there are many options. However, if you have already gained your age, it does not necessarily mean that you have to fully give up sneakers, casual shoes, nut it does mean that the classy shoes must be prevailing in your shoes wardrobe. However, it is for sure impossible to full avoid using boots, so once you are gone to the county with your family for a picnic, or hiking or other staff, you have to wear sneakers, boots. Moreover, many men by age have a feet problem and get tired sooner. In this case casual shoes can be really helpful, yet you have to use a leather one, which is healthier for feet health.
Despite all these tips, there is no strict limitation in kinds of shoes regarding the age. It all depends on your status, and on your lifestyle. The thing you have to pay the most attention to is the convenience. The shoes are the best, if it does not damage your feet.