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(c) Can Stock Photo

Most of the women really want to have a smooth body and be deprived of hair anywhere. The hair around vaginal part is not something that men or women like. Especially women are more concerned with this issue than men. They just like to be deprived of hair anywhere because it makes them feel more neat and cleaner. They feel that removing hair of all parts is a matter of personal hygiene and is a need for every woman. However, there is another group of women who does not pay attention to armpit hair even, let alone the vaginal part. These women are being highly criticized for not taking enough care of themselves and looking somehow messy. Why as defending, these women state that shaving vagina is not such a good thing to do or to be proud of. This kind of women think that hair of vaginal part protect them from outer side effects and make them more protected from viruses and other staff that may have a negative impact on their vagina. Hair of every part of body functions a role of protector and therefore if hair grow that they are necessary. This is of course a very controversial point of view, however, let’s see which version is more or less justified, and is it actually good to shave the vagina, or not really.

One of the side effects of shaving the pubic hair is that having less hair on that part of female body, makes the body more vulnerable for the viruses and the vagina can easily take new viruses and bacteria.  This may be the cause of various infections that appear to organism through vagina. So the pubic hairs do play protecting role, which is really important for every female organism.

Studies also show that for women who overweight it is even more dangerous and they can easily have some difficulties while shaving. The reason why it is so dangerous is that skin of women who overweight has closer skin than the others’ skin. The women who overweight have more moisture than thin women. So it helps to get more bacteria than the thin women would get. This is also one reason proving that women who overweight need hair in vaginal parts more than who do not overweight.

Shaving pubic hair can also irritate a lot the vaginal part. The reason of this is that the vaginal part is probably the most sensitive part of our body. So you should really be careful while shaving the vaginal part. You may easily irritate the skin, which may cause acne and other unpleasant appearances on your vaginal part. So this is the reason why you may really avoid shaving you vagina.

Some people think that waxing is less dangerous than shaving. However, in reality there is no difference. Shaving is nearly the same as waxing because both have to deal with the removal of ingrown hair and in reality there is no difference between them.

During shaving you can also have some burns. Women while shaving the pubic hair, very often get burnt from waxing, shaving and from razor. This is because this part is extremely sensitive.

Besides women may really be allergic to cream, to waxing and hair removal may cause allergy and irritate the skin in its own way.

During the shaving cutting the vaginal skin can also be quite normal.

As you can see the vaginal shaving is not the easiest kind of shaving and women should really be careful when it comes to vaginal shaving issue. Just make sure that the way you shave pubic part is safe.

Some people suggest that the ancient and traditional ways of hair removal are way safer. They are based on home remedies and are comprised of such ingredients as honey, lemon or other natural ingredients which are quite efficient in hair removal and less harmful for human body. They can irritate less and that is why we had better use this kind of natural remedies.
However, some women on the other way say that the natural remedies take too much time and that they can also be painful. While waxing, shaving and trimming are much easier and less timing usually.

Actually pubic hair shaving is a personal issue and everyone should choose whether she should shave the pubic part or not.  Of course shaved vagina is better, but you should also think about safety. If you have got some problems after shaving, immediately visit the doctor.