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The relations between startup and big companies of the market can be very complicated foe a variety of reasons. First of all big players of the market do not normally pay attention to the newcomers and take them for granted. Very often the ones that just started feel as if they have been underestimated which is of course something they do not like. At the same time they have to count with the big players of the market which is somehow scary.

Actually the thing is that the relations between startups and between the big players of the market are quite tricky ones. It can happen that the big companies be interested into the newcomers. The thing is that the startup maybe very interesting and may enter into the market in an interesting way. At the same time things may not be so good for the startup as the big companies ma unite and just ”kill’ the one who is new in the market. What the startup must be ready to do is to be so much interesting that the big players would love to cooperate with the startups. This is a very hard thing to do but extremely helpful for the ones who just get into the business.

That is really the smartest thing that the startup entrepreneur can ever do. Somehow study the interests  of the big companies in the market of the same field, understand what they are all about and you will see that actually there is a chance for you to become really interesting for the big companies. Why you should try to be interesting for them, is that once you become interesting, they will start offering you some kind of cooperation which of course can be beneficial for you. Now you may think that actually they are your future competitors and why you should cooperate with them. It is because you should know that they can make you famous.  Just imagine when a big company which is very successful and very famous in the field is cooperating your company  and makes a promo using also the name of your brand. That is a big deal for any startup. And it is indeed a big success. In this case the big company uses something that you can offer but also puts your name into fame. This means that he makes you famous and then you become his competitors. Of course the runners of big companies are smart and they for sure will not try to make you their competitor so they will not show your full potential.  This is natural, but if you are able to set the right priorities and if you have some great negotiating skills then you can reach to something very useful for you.

Another scenario can be the following. The big company may not pay attention and be interested in you at all. It is also some kind of motivation for startups because they only want to do better in order to prove that they can. This can make your startup into something even better than the big companies but this will take time and this is possible only when the owner of the startup is a very goal oriented person with strong will. Motivation is one of the main spiritual resources which makes the startups highly competitive and successful. Of course you might not be able to beat the competitor as well and this is okay because big companies did not become what they are just in a day. For every company it took a lot of time to grow and to taste the success.

As you can see these relations can develop in different ways. Normally when the startup is already on  the way to success the companies agree on certain price limit. This happens when the companies try to steal clients by offering low prices. In this case the companies agree that they should not go less than a certain price.  Some very big and successful companies do not even compete. They have their brand and their clients and they openly reveal that there is not point in competing with them because they are so unique that actually there is nothing to compete about. This is also possible and can happen, however it happens less.

Normally there are few big companies that are approximately on the same level, and there are small startups which try to become successful, but those success that can offer something different from all. It is very important when you offer something new when you enter into the market. Otherwise your chances are not so big and you are not going to be noticed by anyone, let alone being attractive to big companies or clients.