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Today we will discuss the reasons why your hair can get oily.  Quite many people have the problem of hair getting oily and greasy when they get dirty. This is a quite common problem especially among women. Of course no woman wants to have this kind of problem just because it is spoils the look of hair and makes you look dirty or not beautiful. That is the reason why we all want to skip the problem of having greasy or oily hair. Actually it is quite natural because no one wants to feel the oil on the hair. If hairs are oily and greasy they just cling to hair and everyone can certainly see it. So today we will discuss the reasons why the hair gets oily.

There are many reasons why your hair can get oily. Among such reasons are definitely the ageing, hormonal changes, genetics and other factors as well. With genetics, I think, everything is absolutely understandable. In case of hormonal changes you can also feel that your hairs are getting more oily than they used to be. This of course depends on the hormones as well, but usually the hormonal changes produce some extra oil for your hair. Another reason for more oil can be the ageing process. Indeed ageing has a lot to do with hormonal changes, and therefore, this has a lot to do with the oil.

  • The use of wrong shampoo can also end dramatically for your hair and lead to extra oil. The thing is that many shampoos contain extra moisturizer ingredients and also conditioner. These are the ingredients that can make your hair become even oiler. So just choose a shampoo which does not contain extra moisturizer ingredient or conditioner.
  • The use of much conditioner can also lead to the problem of having too much oil over your hair.
  • If you wash your hair quite often then you will make your scalp drier. If you make your scalp more dry, then just be aware that your scalp will produce more and more oil in order to skip the dry atmosphere, and in this way you will end up with really dry hair.
  • If you always touch your hair with your hands, then there is a huge possibility that they will become dirty and oily. The thing is that your scalp and hair can absorb the dirt and oil out of your fingers and thus the hair can become oiler.
  • If you brush your hair too often, then this can also be a reason of oil in your hair. Usually the process of oil on hair starts from the scalp and roots of hair. So if you brush your hair too often, then the oil will be spread all over the hair and thus your hair will become even oiler.

These actually were the reasons why your hair can get oily. If you have this sort of problems then you should watch out why the get so oily. It is quite natural that hair gets oily when they get dirty, but you have to make it not happen too often. So for that just use the right shampoo, which does not contain too much conditioner or extra moisturizer. Besides this, just do not play with your hair much, do not wash your hair too much as well. This is how you will avoid the problem of having so much oil in your hair. Simply take care of your hair and I am sure that if you skip doing these things, then everything will be fine.