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Every woman dreams of being pregnant and having children. However, giving birth is not so easy. Some woman do not even want to have babies but they find out they are pregnant. Anyways, when you have the signs of pregnancy it is necessary to visit the doctor. So let’s see what the early signs of pregnancy are.
Though to know that you are pregnant for sure, you will have to do a pregnancy test at home or a blood test, but if your period is late and you think that you may be pregnant, here are the early signs that will help you with understanding.
Did you notice that you are getting out of breath earlier than you used to? That’s because the baby need some oxygen, and why you breathe some part of it goes to baby, leaving you a little bit short of oxygen. This point will continue throughout pregnancy.
You fall asleep earlier than you used to. This is connected with the increasing of hormones in your body. You start to get exhausted and tired earlier than usually you did.
During night sleep you more often get up and go to the toilet. That’s because during pregnancy our body produces some extra fluid. This may be one of the hints that you are pregnant.
As a result of changing hormones you may be having headaches all the time.
If the lower part of your back makes a little bit pain it may mean that you are losing ligaments. This one may continue during the whole pregnancy.
You become too emotional all of a sudden, become more nervous, moodier. This happens because your body reacts to the changes of hormones and tries to adopt them.
You are too sensitive to smell. Little bad smell and you immediately notice that. This is also a hint that you may be pregnant.
Law blood pressure can also hint us that you are pregnant. Make sure get enough air and oxygen.
Your period is getting later and later. This actually is the most important hint. If the period is getting really late then you should definitely go and visit the doctor.
One of the early pregnancy sings can also be the feeling of hunger. When you are pregnant you want to eat more and more and you really cannot help it.
The love for tangerine and orange becomes even bigger. You want to eat more fruits, and you really go into the sweets. You may also notice a sudden change of food preferences.
SO all these factors can tell you that you are pregnant. Once you have even a little bit an idea that you may be pregnant it is important to visit doctor immediately to make it sure, and to make sure everything is absolutely fine.
It is important also to keep active while you are pregnant. Some women get lazy and sleep and lie for the whole day, but in reality the more active you are the easier you will give birth. So try your best during your pregnancy time, save your nerves and get prepared for being a good mom, which is really important.