(c) Can Stock Photo / lucidwaters
As you have passed through that long lasting 9 months (or maybe, on the contrary, the short ones) and you are a new mom, we congratulate you. With all of the stressful situations, mood changes and most caring moments you have passed through one of the most important phases of your life and are now in front of the next one. As you are becoming a parent it is hard to imagine any phase of life that would be less important than others: first teeth, first word, first month, first second month and this is continuing endlessly.
Another one of those most important periods of your life will be the post pregnancy and breast feeding period. This is the time when you have to eat healthy, so that, accordingly your child will also get a healthy nutrition (obviously, if you are going into breastfeeding).
As during the pregnancy period, now also you will have certain diet plan, which will show you some names of foods that you should avoid eating. So, some of them are:
Everything which is too oily
As this is the period that you have to come back to your previous body condition, it’s important to be more attentive to oily things and escape them totally. To lose the weight that you have gained while pregnancy is essential, so consider the oily food your number one enemy and avoid eating it.
Caffeine is still on the list
We have talked previously about the foods that should be avoided during the pregnancy. And Caffeine stands there for not only the pregnancy period, but also for the post pregnancy one. If you are breastfeeding mom, you should take into account the fact, that your child’s body is not able to process the caffeine as your immune system is doing. So, make sure that the reason of your child’s bad sleep is not the caffeine, that you are having before the breastfeeding.
Everything that is too spicy
If you are the fan of spicy food, we are sorry to disappoint you by telling that spicy food while breastfeeding is another no-no-no. Your child’s digestive tract is not strong enough to digest everything what you give, that is why getting limited with a pure milk is a number 1 option. The milk shouldn’t have any spicy taste in it, which means you are going to survive the next 5-6 months (at least) without too spicy food.
Alcohol, alcohol and alcohol
Sometimes, it makes it sound really simple, when you mention the alcohol several times. I do guess, you have already seen in many (MANY) places that alcohol should be avoided, however I thought repeating this one more time wouldn’t be unnecessary. You want to escape the negative effects that alcohol in your breast milk will have on your child, right? And we do understand that you may like to have a glass of wine etc., but this is the time when your parent responsibilities should rule better than your body does. Avoid drinking alcohol, or, if you still choose to have one glass of it, make sure you wait at least 3 hours before breastfeeding.
Too much citrus
Your child will definitely now need Vitamin C, however too much citrus may bring to diaper rash or fussiness, that is why you should be careful while eating citrus as well.
Those are the main things that should be avoided during the breastfeeding period. However, it is important to be noted, that everything else, that is not listed above, shouldn’t be consumed too much too. Everything you eat should be of a certain amount. This will both help your child to escape some negative effects, and will help you lose the weight that you have gained during the pregnancy. Hope this article helped you to take some benefits and that you will have an amazing breastfeeding period of your life.