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Now, when you are 9 months away from the day you learnt that your are pregnant, you may have only one question in your mind, which should be rolling over and over, not letting you concentrate on other things. An that question may be: how should you lose your weight and turn to your previous figure.
Every mom does this, literally every mom and it’s time for you to know that you are not alone in this. In fact, we even have a good news to you telling that most of them are having success in this pretty difficult job. All you need to have is passions and energy and a good post pregnancy diet.
Obviously, you need post pregnancy diet not only for weight losse but also for your baby. If you are breastfeeding you should have known that everyhting you eat and drink will pass to your child through your milk. Consequently, having alcohol or spicy things, would be tramsfered to your child’s immune system and even have some negative effects. This is another reason, why you should choose to have a post pregnancy diet and know exactly what you should add to your daily meal (hopefully, as you did while the pregnancy period). We have seperated a list of food, the ones that are healthy both for you and your baby.
Dairy products which are low-fat
As a new mom you should kow that the milk you give to your child should be full with Vitamin D. This means if you are a breastfeeding mom, you should go on and start the use of milk, yogurt or other dairy products, which contain Vitamin D. Another thing that dairy products are full with is calcium, which has a great role in streghtening the bones of a child.
Brown rice
This is an amazing option for those whos number one concern is losing the weight. In fact, the brown rice highly helps to the process of weight losing, plus is giving the necessary proteins that you should have for breastfeeding. Kinder Surprise? Right. Brown rice should really become an irreplacable part of your post pregnancy diet.
Water is esential
The amazing effects that water may have (even not counting the water diets etc.) are inumerable. Drinking water as much as you can is one of the top advice that is usually given and this time is not an exception. To escape the dehydration that is usually a risk for new moms, we advice you to drink as much water as you can. To get energy and stay hydrated you should include water in you diet as a non-changeable part. However, you can also include here juice or milk as replacements to water.
Blueberries are a great way of getting your daily carbohydrates with which they are full of. Those are also full of various types of vitamins and minerals, which will give you a high level of energy. It’s not a secret that now, more then ever ,you need that energy. Go to the regregerator and have your daily dose of blueberries.
Leafy greens
Last, but not the least, leafy greens. Add the cucumber, broccoli, spinach and other types of leafy greens to your diet as well. Those are rich with Vitamin A, C and iron, which are an amazing addition to other health food. Those are also full of calcium, which, again, is great both for you and your child.
Include those above mentioned foods into your daily diet to see the results. Grasp motivation from eveything you can to be filled with more energy and enthusiasm to keep the healthy eating as much as possible. This will help you to return to your previous “You” sooner, then you could imagine. And don’t forget that one thing: you have given a birth to a human. This is just wonderful, so don’t let the thoughts about weight lose disturb you enjoy the moment. Celebrate each new day!