(c) Can Stock Photo / HighwayStarz

(c) Can Stock Photo / HighwayStarz

The statistics show that post natal depression and stress is quite often for the women who gave birth. Even the partners sometimes tend to fall into depression. Of course this is a very common and natural phenomenon. There are many symptoms that in fact can show that you are in depression. Let’s understand what the symptoms of post natal depression are.

Among the most common symptoms is the feeling of low mood and sadness. The woman loses the meaning of life and does not have any motivation. The woman can also feel less energetic. She may not be able to sleep and nights and she will want to sleep during the day time. These are quite common symptoms for the woman who just gave birth. It is understandable also because the women’s organism becomes weak and less energetic. The organism of the woman passes goes into stress and depression because giving birth is a huge stress and depression for any human being. So therefore it is not a secret that depression may come to women who just gave birth. One of the reasons why depression is so common for those who just gave birth is that many women gave lots of weight and they do not know what to do. The very first days after pushing the baby out, the woman is not allowed to do sports actively. This means that women should wait around one month or so in order to start doing something to contribute the health and body. This makes the women to be even more depressed because many women cannot stand seeing themselves in not at good shape. This is the real reason of sadness and depression for many people.

The best way to overcome the post natal depression and stress is just the realization of your state. The thing is that you should understand that no one else can help you better than yourself. This means that you should just come to realization that post natal period is a usual state of woman and it is quite natural that you can be out of shape. Many women just dream of becoming mothers but they are not able to do it.  So just be happy with the fact that you are a lucky woman and accept that you are a woman whose body can change.

The next and one of the most important things of course sport. Sport is extremely important in order to get into shape. It helps you to look good and to lose your extra weight or even to become more toned. So when you lose the weight and build up the shape you wanted to have, you kind of start liking yourself, start feeling confident and feeling great. There is nothing better than that feeling. Therefore just do sports and exercises as soon as possible. Besides this, sport will help you to feel even more energetic. It will give you motivation, good mood and some kind of inspiration. These factors help you to overcome the stress and post natal depression. This is the way sport can help you.

As you see there is no need to panic if you are facing the problem of post natal depression and stress. Sooner or later it will pass away if you do the right things. Just try to accept how lucky you are and that also accept that you have female body, which can change a lot. After that, when you are allowed to do sports, you can already start doing them. Do not be scared and be brave, feel courage, full of hope, and stay motivation. Set little goals for you and more towards that goals. Sport will definitely help you in all of these things and you will be able to immediately overcome the difficulties that you had over the times of post natal period. Just do not avoid or skip the sports, have the hope, and fight for your own body. These all will help you to face the post natal period rationally. This is how sports help to fight against the depression of post natal period. This is the magic that sport does.