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PCOD or PCOS:  Polycystic Ovarian Disease or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, call it anything, they are similar yet different. PCOS/PCOD is a condition which leads to inefficient functioning of hormones and ovaries leading to Obesity, Acne, Onset of Male Hormones, Irregular Periods, Insulin Insensitivity, difficulty in conceiving to name a few. Women/Girls may develop PCOD at any point of time of ‘Reproductive Age’. This condition is trending among women now. Every one in three women suffer from PCOD and the main problem with PCOD is that, it gets diagnosed and treated only when you complain of very irregular periods or only after you have been trying to get pregnant, but you fail to.

Blame it on the hormones? No. Not at all. We ourselves are responsible for the hormonal imbalance that we bring in our body which causes problems. Adopting sedentary lifestyle, not exercising at all and complaining that, we ‘do not find time for it’ .This is what almost we all women do. This in turn leads to frustration. The well-being of our mind and body affects our hormones .PCOD is a hormonal condition. Stress and increase in weight are the contributing factors of PCOD. It is generally said by Doctors that, losing weight shall solve the problem of PCOD, as the Ovaries shall function better. We need to take care of our hormones by nurturing our body with right, healthy food and regular exercise. A good hormonal balance ensures overall body wellness.

Thyroid: Thyroid is another concerned problem of women, which majorly affects the overall bodily functions. Thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland in your neck. It is controlled by another gland called Pituitary Gland. It produces thyroid hormone which regulates your body’s metabolism. It influences every other hormone in our body, as everything in our body is interlinked.T3 and T4 are the important Thyroid hormones. The T4 hormone is present in much larger amounts .The Thyroid glands need Iodine and Tyrosine to produce T3 and T4.Iodine is a very important mineral as its needed in making thyroid hormones, to keep the body’s metabolism at a good rate. Thyroid problem also stops women from getting pregnant. Poor eating habits, Stress, Increase in weight, Fatigue, Bloating, lack of exercise all these are the signs of Hyperthyroidism. If you are diagnosed with a thyroid problem, you’ll probably be given tablets, to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, and will be asked to lose weight by the doctor.

PCOD combined with Thyroid is a big challenge to be faced. Women these days suffer from both these conditions simultaneously. You need to make several ‘Lifestyle Changes’ in order to get back to normalcy.

  • VERY VERY important ‘BE STRESS FREE”. We live in a very competitive world; we want to see the results immediately. We take stress for no reasons rather silly reasons, and ruin our health .Meditate, be more patient and calm. This way your hormones will be happy and function better. Engage your mind in some fruitful activities which will relax your mind…Throwing away stress out of our lives is what we all need to do.

  • Healthy eating. Please do not follow any “Diet Fads”. Ghar ka Khana, Home made food is the best. Nothing can replace the goodness and wellness it gives us. Hotelling cannot stop completely, as we live in a society where social gatherings and outings are bound to happen with family and friends, where one cannot avoid eating outside food, but you can definitely watch what you are eating go for salads, soups, Roti, Dal ,Chawal and avoid oily and buttery food items Right? And even if you eat, make sure you burn out those fats the very next day when you exercise.

  • Exercise regularly no matter what, walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling whatever form you like. Do not skip it..Losing weight is not important but getting Fitter and Feeling healthier is.

  • Ensure that you get your periods regularly and comfortably without pains and cramps during and before periods, which is normal. Cramping, bleeding heavily and feeling uncomfortable indicate that our health is in a poor shape, visit a doctor in that case.


So Ladies, Let’s concentrate on ourselves a bit more, to ensure that we stay fit and healthier to face the other challenges of life!!

Born in Bengaluru ,Karnataka and Brought up in the scenic valley of Konkan, Chiplun,Maharashtra.She is the blend of both the worlds.Did her Post Graduation in Commerce,and now she's a homemaker by day and a Writer by Night. Writing ,Reading and Cooking are her top interests. She also runs her own blog in the name 'Styl Zycia' Loves the smell of old books and everything Vintage and Parisian.