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Advertising is one of the most important aspects for each and every company. How will anyone know you if you are not speaking out about yourself and are not letting people know what are you doing. There are different types of advertising, and with talking about one we should certainly go into another and we can probable speak about all of them in a book. Today, we will discuss the offline advertising tricks or better say, ways that can be used in order to spread awareness about the company.
Advertising with Radio
We can start from radio, though this is not necessarily the first one and is not the most important one. You can have some radio broadcastings were either directly or non-directly your business will be mentioned. Starting from the direct mentioning: this is the times when during this or that radio broadcasting your company is being mentioned either as a review or a sponsor etc. Another way of advertising your company is of course the Ad itself. Which can go live during the breaks. It may seem that with the development of TV and social media people won’t listen to radio anymore, however the statistics shows that people still listen to radio at least during driving to work or back from it. So do not hesitate with the radio advertising and just go on with trying it.
TV Advertising
Another method of Advertising is television. There are several ways you can get use of TV. So let’s start with discussing some of them. Become a sponsor of TV show, serials or a program. This may be expensive and you will have to have special budget for this, but don’t forget that you will be mentioned as a sponsor during every broadcasting of the film or the program. This can be really effective and many people can later become your clients. Another way of TV advertising is preparing a special ad. Well, to be honest, you will need even more money for this, because you will have to provide better quality, be creative while shooting the ad, spend resources Etc. There it is: you will need really a lot of energy and resources for this, but the fact is that it spreads more awareness on your brand.
Packaging of your products
What you do for your products packaging is important. There are so many products that now we all are purchasing just because of the packaging they have. Those examples are creative, unique and are bringing some kind of love and smiles to our lives. This is what your packaging should be. It should be different, should be something that people will give money even just because for the packaging. If you are doing it right, you will get a result. All you have to do is being creative, connecting the packaging directly with the product and create something unique.
Giving Brochures to passersby
If you have some sales in your shops and want the customers to know about that, most probably you won’t create another ad for TV. For this you can start with brochures. All you have to do is including the necessary information into the brochures and giving it to passersby who are passing exactly near to your shop. include some visuals into the brochures, so that it will totally show what the sales are about and will be catchy for the people who may absolutely have no idea about you and your brand.
Advertising through business cards
Creating business cards is the next offline advertising method that you can use. Though most of the times the business cards are not having all of the employees but they are good to be left during the meetings or events. Make them creative and unique as well and include there the name of the company, the address and phone number. You can also include the website and the name to whom they can contact with. In other words, only the most important information should be included here.
Contributing to Local business journals
Here is another thing we can start discussing: local business journals. If you are a local business, this can work great for you. All you need to do is finding the local business journals, writing an article for them and having it printed there. It can either be right about your company and brand, which will tell about your products or services, in other words – will be a promotional one. Or, it can be an article on a general topic that you would like to write about, but it will be mentioned that you have provided the article, thus will refer to you. This is a great way to reaching that mass of people who are trying to use phones less and prefer more the printed journals. This way you will get more clients, as most probably with this way you will get into a new sphere, you will get to people to whom you didn’t reach before. So, make a research on the most famous and popular local business journals, which are the ones that are most read by the locals. Write an informative and interesting article, try to make it as interesting and catchy as possible, so that people won’t miss it and let it be printed.
Those helpful tricks are amazing for the offline advertising and will always be there to help you with creating your brand awareness. All you have to do in all of the cases is being unique and creating your own stuff, because no one had ever had a success with just copying. So keep up the great work and good luck to you!