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Many startup entrepreneurs enter the market in very aggressive way. This means that they are very closed and want to run their companies in very closed  way and do not really want to negotiate and cooperate with other companies. Actually this is wrong step for the startup. It is one of the worst mistakes that entrepreneurs can ever do. A lot of them are aggressive about the market and they think that they do not need any company to back up his company or they do not need any company to negotiate with, and that all they need is to prove that they can go alone into it and have success on their own. However, one of the worst mistakes that a person can ever do is to  close his company for negotiation, for new companies and  new ideas. You should always try to be open the market, ready and willing to cooperate whether it is a client, another company or anything else. In this case I have to say that actually you should be open and that this will only benefit your company. When you do  not want to cooperate and negotiate with other companies, of course they know it, and you kind of lose your reputation. Is this right? Of course no! You should absolutely always be ready to at least hear the new ideas and offers that will come to you. Another thing is whether it is beneficial for your company or not.

  • First of all why you should negotiate with other companies when you just start up? Well, because you need it more than the old companies which already have their places in the market. The thing is that actually if they wish to negotiate with you because you can offer something new and fresh, it means that actually you are interesting for them, but at the same time, they will bring you fame. It means that they will promote your name or that your name will be written on somewhere alongside with theirs, which of course is very useful for you. Can you imagine a big company doing your promotion? Or just that feeling that you negotiate with a company which already has its own place? You need it more, and that is why it is really important for you to take the negotiation chances when you just start up.
  • Another reason why you can do it is that by the time you negotiate, you will also get to know more people and this means that you will get new contacts in business. New contacts in business are very important for any entrepreneur, especially for new entrepreneur. Having a lot of contacts is the right key to being influential and successful.
  • Another reason why you should cooperate is that you will make people know about you as an entrepreneur. Not only the customers will see your name, but also people in business will start knowing you and that is just amazing. They will see you running around, thinking, working, offering your own ideas and this will make you much solid in their eyes. How can this be not useful for you? You will make an impression and if you are really good, then you will make a good impression.
  • Another very good reason why you should cooperate and negotiate with others is that actually it can bring you income. The companies might offer you really something which can make a lot of money, and it will be very stupid of you not to accept it.

However, there is another side of the coin in this case.  The thing is that you should be willing to cooperate, ready for it but you should not accept all the negotiation offers. You should pay attention to what kind of partner it is, whether the company is a good one or not, whether it has a good reputation or no. There are some companies that there is no sense in cooperating with, because all that they can do is spoiling your own reputation.  Keep some kind of status from the very first stage of your business and pay attention to who you cooperate with. If you want your company be the one with good name, reputation and become a well known brand, then do not run after every offer and keep some solid status. This means that you should be open, ready to consider negotiation, but you should be able to choose the one you wish to cooperate with. This is how it all works. Negotiation, new ideas,  thoughts are very important for you and you should think well before you do it because everything you do is directly related to your reputation and name and if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, then you should keep your name up.