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(c) Can Stock Photo

All the women without any exception like to look good and be attractive. Sometimes we do overestimate the importance of female body and shape, but many and many men really appreciate the role of woman’s face.  Sometimes it is not just about the body but about having a beautiful and enchanting pretty face. Women understand this perfectly and that is why they use make up. Make up is an old technique to make the face more attractive. Even in ancient Greece and Egypt women were using make up quite actively, especially to attract the men. This technique is still used nowadays, in 21st century. However in comparison with ancient times, where cosmetics were made of natural ingredients, nowadays they are full of chemical elements. When the modern cosmetic is outdated, which happens a lot, things get even worse. The outdated and old cosmetics really harm the skin and can cause much more serious health issues than just the ones related to skin. Unfortunately this kind of problems can be faced a lot these days, just because we can find lots of outdated and old cosmetics in shops. This fact is really sad. In fact women pay money, buy cosmetics and use it for the hope that they will look better and more attractive, but very often they end up with having some serious health issues.

One of the most shocking things when it comes to outdated and old cosmetics is that old cosmetics can cause headaches.  This happens when you wear make up for a very long time. When the cosmetics are old, the headaches even get worse. It is not widely known, but in fact cosmetics are the reason of unconsciousness and they can really cause headaches. So once you clear your make up make sure that you clear it all, so as you will not have headache for the whole night.

Old cosmetics can cause diseases such as cancer and other chronic diseases.  Lipstick and other cosmetics contain too much of chemical elements, because of which there is a high risk for cancer. They may contain elements that can be harmful for organs such as liver and kidney. So be aware that while using old cosmetics you increase the chance of having a cancer or some other serious health issues.

People think that using nail paints and nail polish is a matter of hygiene, but in reality they harm the health of nails a lot. Because of nail paints our nails turn to be more fragile and weak. After that you have to cure your nails for weeks. The use of old nail paints is even worse.

Using eye shadow or mascara can also be dangerous. Those girls who use both lenses and eye cosmetics have a bigger chance to get an eye infection or to somehow damage the eye, because the harm of cosmetics harms the material of lenses, which in its turn harms the eye condition. If the cosmetic is old and outdated, then the harm will definitely be bigger. It may also result in making your eyelashes thinner.

The use of lotions and creams can cause allergy. If the cream or the lotion is out of date, then the risk of getting allergy is even higher. Even if you do not get an allergy. Still there is a big risk for you that you will decrease the quality of your skin. The skin may be filled with wrinkles and acne, which will completely spoil the quality of your skin and damage the skin health.

Lipstick irritates the skin, eye shadows harm the eye and may bring infection, mascara makes the eyelashes thicker and so on and so forth. This is what most of the modern cosmetic products do to our healthy. Just imagine what can happen to you in case of using old and outdated cosmetics. Things will get worse and worse.

Of course beauty is important, especially face beauty. Some people thing that the beauty of female body is more important than the beauty of face. Let me completely disagree with this statement. I think good body is nothing without good face. Some women really look more beautiful without make up, than with wake up. Those women should use cosmetics very rarely, only during special occasions. Anyway if you use cosmetics, make sure that it is not out of date. If the cosmetics are out of date then you already know that it can bring lots of trouble. So just be careful and take care of your health.

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