Men and women both face some kind of physiological problems as we grow old. When we are in our youth we think that always will be able to live a full life and do whatever we want without understanding that one day we will face the situation of seeing ourselves old in mirror and not being able to live the same life we lived in our youth. Women ‘s organism is especially complicated when it comes to this kind of problems, but in this article we will keep the focus on men. Men face a disease called menopause as they get older and older. It is not really a disease but a transitional moment for male organism.
Menopause is also described as andropause and it is actually the loss of testosterone or the drop of the amount of testosterone in male organism when they get old.
How do men know that they are in period of menopause and what are the symptoms of it. First of all menopause causes depression and bad mood. It can reduce the mass of muscles in body and can increase the body fat. However, it is quite natural that men face menopause as it is a hormone change in male body, it is also known as testosterone deficiency in male body. Men face menopause usually when they are in their 50s or even older. Some relate to the loss of men power. When men lose their power and their bodies cannot function in natural way.
Some think that testosterone is connected only with sex, however, this is a big mistake. It is connected with the whole male organism and how it functions. It is related to physical and mental activities in male organism, with energy and power, with the muscle mass and other features which are closely related to each other.
Menopause is not only typical to men but women also. However women menopause has some major differences from men menopause. Unlike women menopause, not all men face menopause, which is good.
Men menopause can also be resulted in bad sleep, in lack of energy, in weakness, in stress, bad mood, depression, difficulties while concentrating, lack of motivation and other symptoms. For example bones can also become weak, men can lose their body hair etc.
It is usually diagnosed by blood test, which often shows also the testosterone level.
There is a statistic which shows that after 30 men lose one percent of testosterone level per year. So technically this in its turn means that after 30 men start to get older and this is shown in body changes. Doctors argue a lot about menopause. Some say it is a real condition and it can be treated some say it is not real condition and there is no way to treat a person.
So the thing we understand for sure about male menopause is that it is drop of hormones in male body and the loss of testosterone, and the possible treatment of that can be the replacement of testosterone. It is often describes as the loss of interest in sex, which is also called libido, but in general some men do not complain of it as it does not bring many changes to their organism.
As we know the hormone replacement in women can cause some other effects for women organism and have other consequences. While in case of men, the replacement of testosterone may result in other side effects. For example the replacement of testosterone may cause prostate cancer.
However, some doctors may forbid the replacement of testosterone and may just advice to change the lifestyle. To avoid menopause or to somehow treat it you have to be always active and keep in movement. Go in for sports, for jogging or anything that can be helpful to keep the healthy lifestyle.
Pay attention to your eating habits. Avoid junk food, keep up with healthy diet, including protein, vegetables and fruits.
Testosterone boost in its turn includes the use of some products and some herbs. You can really boost the testosterone level in your body by natural means.
Sleeping a lot can be difficult in case of menopause, however, try to get us much as possible, talk to your doctor and ask for advice how to have a normal amount of sleep, because sleep is a testosterone booster. The next important thing you can do is to follow a healthy weight. Those men who suffer from overweight and fat, have very law number of testosterone in their bodies. On contrast with this, those who underweight must try to bring their bodies to normal weight and thus will boost testosterone.
Staying active is also very important as if you do not run an active life, you lose your muscle mass, if your lose it you will also lose the testosterone level then. So just keep active, attend gym and this will boost your testosterone level.
What we can understand is that menopause is curable by natural means. It is all about healthy lifestyle.
Both men and women suffer from major differences at certain age, but in reality it is not that scary, if you know your body and you take a really good care of your organism. It is just the natural process of our lives, it is just a normal transitional period and ageing process we all will have to face. So just keep active and young in your brain. If you are young in your inner world then no ageing will be seen from out.