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(c) Can Stock Photo

Usually people think that removing hair is more a woman thing, than men.  Women were always obsessed to look better more than women were. That is the reason why we think that removing hair is more for women thing than men thing. Removal of hair is a painful thing for everyone. However, removing for men is even more painful than hair removal for women. The reason of this fact is that women can handle pain few times more than men, and the pain that men witness from hair removal seems to be much more painful for them than for women.  So as you see hair removal is a big risk for every man, and a very painful thing as well, which requires lots of courage and tolerance.

Why do men want to remove hair and is it worth?

Men think that nowadays they should not have lots of hair because it is not a feature to describe a masculine thing anymore, but it is more a feature which describes you as being a messy and dirty person. This is what most of the men thing when they decide to remove their hair. They think of aestheticism and of hygiene.  That is true, having less hair definitely helps you look more neat and clean. One the other hand, we should not forget that hair function as protector and we need to have hair so as our body will be protected from cold and from many other outer effects. In this aspect, both men and women, and especially men, should think more about this issue.

Men usually, unlike women do not want to have hair free body. They just want to have their hair thinned out around some private parts and around chest as well.

So there are several options which in case of men wanting to remove their hair, can work quite well.

So the first and one of the most effective ways for hair removal for women is the laser hair removal treatment. The laser treatment just kills the hair root, so technically another hair can grow on that part but this is timing. So that is way it can be effective means for hair removal for men, especially on back, stomach, genital area and shoulders as well.  However, this result you get after laser treatment is permanent, and it can last for quite long time, like 2 months.

The second quite good option for men removing their hair is the waxing option. There are special waxing lotions that you put on the hair, and then by the help of cloths you.  It may take from 5 to 10 minutes to wax but this greatly depends on the part you want to remove. As we are focusing on the hair in private parts we need to say that waxing is a very effective way of removing. What we can say about waxing option is that this is way more painful than the laser one.

The next option which can help you with the unwanted hair removal in private parts is the electrolysis. This system provides electricity to the hair follicle and kills the cells that make hair. So this technically means that if the hair on that part is gone, then it is gone forever. The length of the treatment is individual and depends on the thickness and length. Each course of removal can last from 10 to 20 minutes, but each hair is removed during one course, so the whole treatment may last for weeks or even for a year.

For genital hair removal can be done due to this kind of removal, but many and many men state that this is really painful. So be brief if you want to have this option. This can be a good option for small parts of body as well. However, for the whole body it is a little bit timing.

Thus, if you are a man and if you are worried with the hair in private parts then you can briefly go in and try these 3 options.  Just choose the best one for you, however, keep in mind that hair also function as protectors. So think quite well before doing this.