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Men pregnancy. Is it really possible?

There has been and still there is much speculation about the issue whether men can get pregnant or not. Actually this is a very controversial topic which gives space to lots of discussions and talks. First of all is it worth making men being able to be pregnant? But first of let’s find out is it really possible.

Now to understand we have to observe another issue. Is it possible for a human fetus to develop in another space than uterus?

It is possible for a human fetus to develop in another space than the uterus for sure. This is a rare process and happened like once out of 10000 people, but still it is possible. When the ovary is not attached to the fallopian tube this kind of thing can happen. After ovulation the egg must go to nearby open are at the end of the tune, so the newly fertilized egg may fall back out of tube and fall into the abdomen. The abdomen is with all kinds of tissues such as liver, kidney and the spleen. Then with successful implantation and with good placental formation the embryo can successfully develop in the fetus hat could be carried for 9 months.

However this kind of pregnancy is a rare case and a life-threatening one. Besides mortality and morbidity for both fetus and mother is to be considered and discussed, usually surgery is advisable.

So the danger with this kind of pregnancy is a treat to life because of the placental connection that the embryo must find between the body in which it lies and itself.

So technically the male pregnancy is quite possible, but on the other hand it is not safe. May be in future scientists will find out some ways how to direct the growth of placenta from vulnerable abdominal organs to some blood-rich surface where the growth is absolutely possible. In that case pregnancy for men will be an absolute reality.

There is another option for men pregnancy as well.

Doctors can implant uterus in a man, so that it will make the pregnancy for men possible. However this option is also really risky. Theoretically t is possible, but this is a huge surgery, which involves not only creation of vagina but also the reconstruction of whole pelvic system. This can be done by someone who is specialized at transgender surgery. Then a complex hormonal regime is required to support the functioning of uterus and pregnancy.

So there are options due to which men pregnancy is possible technically, but they are unjustified risks, because that would be a real stress for any kind of organism.

Also there is another issue. Even if the man is pregnant, it is another risk to have the baby. Having the baby is not as easy as it may see to many men, and keeping them is even more difficult. So technically doing this is not advisable now at all because there is no proof that everything will go fine and that the consequences for both the parent and the baby would not be fatally dramatic.

It is however quite possible that after decades men will fully be able to have babies and this will be done in a safe way. However, much scientific research and investigations are still required to find out the best ways how to do this.

What we think is that yes, we live in 21 century, where there is equality between men and women, but nature created the women organism and the men organism. Women organism was always considered to be very complex but also very gifted, to be able to give birth and become a source of life. So is there really need to change this? We think that absolutely no. We understand that some men aspire to have their own babies, but let’s keep it more natural, because this is how nature created us, and there is no need to change this and interfere into the nature’s affairs.

Be healthy.

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