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Taking precise care of skin is extremely important both for men and women. Some people do have smooth and nice skin, but some on the other hand have got some serious problems with skin. You may not have any problems with skin but actually the skin may look not fresh and ugly. For those people who are not that lucky with their skin, there are different ways to make it better and to take precious care of it. The problems of male and female here are different a little bit. If women face some skin problems because the women skin is much more sensitive, and because of the use of cosmetics, then men usually face because of shaving or because of some other reasons. Heavy beards, razor bumps, kinky hair… all these make men worry. So now let’s understand what should not men do and what should men do to have a nice and healthy skin.

Let’s start from what men should not do.

You should count the dose of sugar you get. The daily overdose of sugar will have a negative impact on your skin without any doubt. Especially if it is about donuts, cookies and other type of unhealthy sugar. Just avoid the use of these unnecessary things, at least control the amount of sugar you get.

You may think that sun and sun light is good for healthy, but you are strongly mistaken. Do not soak up too much sun light. The rays of sun slow down the production of collagen, which in its turn speeds up the ageing process and makes the skin lose its elasticity. So just be protected from strong sun rays.

Sleep well and make sure you cells also get rest. This is really important to give skin some rest. You should sleep from 8-9 hours if you want to have a healthy skin.

You do need to eat lots of fruits and vegetables for health of your skin. The variety of these vitamins will rescue and protect your skin from the damage of sun and the ageing process.

Do not fall into stress otherwise you will get wrinkles and your skin will become damaged. Working too much or being depressed and stressed out will definitely affect your skin and will have a negative impact on it, because you will have your hormones effected, and the hormones are pretty much connected to skin healthy and skin cells.

Do not smoke, otherwise your skin will look like pale and ill. Smoking harms the production of collagen, which in its turn damages the skin as you already know.

So this was the main list of the things you should not do. Now let’s imagine that you do none of these things. Then what should you do to have a healthy skin?

Use cold water and clean your skin with it. The cold water will not just wake you up, but it also will just clean your face and help you to take away all the dead cells.

After you have cleaned the skin with cold water, it is the time to use moisturizer. Use moisturizer when the skin is still dump and needs to become smoother.

The moisturizer is definitely not enough. You have to drink lots of water as well, In order to stay hydrated and keep the moisture both inside and out.

Use wrinkle fighting ingredient but do not use it during the day but at night, because the ingredient makes the skin more sensitive under the sun.

Thus the problem of skin care is the one that both men and women are concerned with. In this article we introduced you the things that you should and you should not do in order to have a really good and healthy skin. However, what we said was the simplest things that men can do. In case of men, they get skin problems more rare than women, because men skin is thicker than in case of women. However, men can also have some skin problems because of shaving issues as well and not only the natural causes. So just make sure that you shave also in the right way and I am sure everything will be all right with your skin if you follow our instruction.