There is a widely spread opinion in most of the traditional societies that only men must have short hair, and that women must have long hair, only. However, there exists exactly the same kind of discrimination against men. Men should have only short hair, and they cannot have long hair, just because it is girl stuff and shameful. In fact these limits existed since a long time throughout the whole history and still continue to exist. There is wide rage gender segregation when it comes to fashion as well. And as we know hair and hairstyle has a huge share in what we call fashion.
When it comes to men, almost everyone says that they have to be in a serious mood always and not to let themselves have the pleasure called having long hair. On the other hand men also what to feel long hair over their shoulders. However some consider this as a sign of weakness or as a sign or being a feminine. On the other side, when you try to listen to men’s own wishes for these question they explain that they have all the rights to look whatever they want to look like, and to give long or short hair. That is up to them and it is a violence of human rights and total gender discrimination when we talk about the length of men hair. In fact it is one of the biggest discrimination’s that a human can face. He cannot look the way he wants to see himself in the mirror just because the society tends to say you are a men you must look serious.
I fully stand on men’s ground at this point. They must have the freedom to choose the size and the hairstyle of their own hair as well as women. In this aspect the problems such as face, total image rises, because most often men aspire to have long hair, but once they have it they do not have a clear idea how to take care of them and how to control the look. We have to note that not all the men can have long hair, because it does not suit to every men. Just like short hair does not fit to any women. It is beyond any argue and doubt that all are given the right to have the hairstyle and particularly the hair size of their own, however, everyone must rationally understand and be able to evaluate his or her look.
Thus, carefully observing issue, we can conclude that no one can tell a man not to grow his hair, yet once grown them he must take a really good care of them and make sure, he looks accurate, otherwise better to cut all the hair and be bold!