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For women it is very important to dress beautiful, to have hair done beautifully and also to have a beautiful and shining face.  For us having beautiful face is very important. You may have a very beautiful body but if you do not take care of your face, then there is no sense in it, but if you have a beautiful face and not beautiful body of course that is not great, but at least everyone will note your beautiful face.  Thus the way our face looks and the way we take care of it is extremely important.  Lips, eyes, eyebrows, nose , all these are a part of our face that make It beautiful or not so. Especially lipstick I am strongly convinced can change many things in face. You can be without make up at all, but if you put a little bit lipstick on your lips it gives you completely other look. There are many versions of how you can color your lip, which lipstick to use and of what color.

My personal opinion is that every person and every woman knows herself and her own body and face very well, and she knows which color perfectly matches her. For young girls pink colors are more popular, for young women, they can use anything like creamy colors, brown, dark brown, red and many -many other colors and shades. Some even use black lipstick and make themselves vampires.  For sure all these colors and the selection of it depends on our hairstyle, on the occasion we are going to and on the mood.

If we have to be somewhere official then better to use creamy or brown colors. If we have concert, especially rock band concert we can use even black. But there is one special color that is the absolute favorite of any beautiful women. That is the red or cherry color. Almost every women is head over heels in love with this color. It is like a magic that puts some special sparkle in our eyes and we somehow become more attractive. What refers to our lips, there can be absolutely no comment on how attractive and enchanting they become. However, unfortunately red lipstick is not such an attribute that we can use in our everyday life. It is kind of out of our daily routine and is appropriate using in special occasions. You can put red lipstick only in weddings, parties and other non-official cases.

However, my advice is for every woman to have a red lipstick in her bag… anytime.

Ani Mkrtchyan, a child of 3 nation, editor-in-chief of fashion of TTM. She will help your with your fashion tips. SHe is not ony into fashion but she writes articles on serious issues also, like politics. SHe is a student of BS of Polticial Science. I am a young, enthusiastic girl, a hardworking and strong-willed one, who sets goals and tries her best to reach them and who wants to be professional in everything she does. My dream is to make a good career on my own and become a successful woman step by step.