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Lingerie VS Pajamas or sleepwear.
It is always such a hard decision for girls to decide which dress to wear, which makeup to put, and what kind of shoes to wear. The choice even becomes harder when it is about sleepwear. Some women like pajamas, while some like lingerie and sleeping in hot bikini. So basically you can try to do both of them but today we are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both pajamas and lingerie, which in its turn will make you get oriented easily, and understand what you want to wear as a result of all thoughts. In reality both versions are quite nice, because for women any kind of sleepwear is quite exciting. However, still this is a hard dilemma for women, lingerie or pajamas.
So let’s start our discussions from pajamas.
When it comes to pajamas then there is one undeniable advantage that is absolutely a plus for pajamas. Pajamas are much more comfortable to sleep in. When you sleep you want to feel comfortable and you want to be free in your moves and to just spread all over the bed. Unlike lingerie, pajamas give you all the comfort and relaxation that you need so much during your sleep.
The pajamas make you feel somehow younger. When you wear a nice pajama, made of nice material, something warm, it just makes you feel like teenager. For some women it is an absolute plus in favor of pajamas, because they are getting old and they want to look younger.
The next thing that pajamas can give you, unlike the lingerie, is the fact that pajamas are much more fun in reality. Yes, lingerie is much hotter than pajamas. However if you look at the issue deeply pajamas are much funnier to wear and are cooler. They let you be childish, a little bit funny. Especially the pajamas which have some animal forms can be a good idea for pajama party.
When it comes to lingerie, then we have to state that lingerie is much hotter and sexier. So if you have your partner by your side, then lingerie can definitely make plus for you. While pajamas work less at this point. So what we can regard as a plus for lingerie, is that they are more feminine, sexy and they can help your to attract the men.
However, at the same time lingerie can be extremely uncomfortable. Anyway they cannot be compared to pajamas, when it comes to comfort. You cannot move freely in lingerie that much and you just kind of feel in frame.
Lingerie makes you always be attentive. While you wear lingerie, you always think about how you look from side. However, when you wear pajamas, you just do not think about how your body looks and just let yourself relax.
Lingerie makes you feel as if you are in a movie or you are an actress. This is really a good feeling for women that make them more cheerful and happier. So basically all the women like this feeling of being a supermodel or an actress, and this is why most of them wear lingerie.
Overall, lingerie creates a feminine kind of look, which is typical to a woman who takes care of her looks and who is extremely beautiful. The lingerie is worn by confident women and it even makes you feel more confident. You will definitely look way more beautiful in lingerie than in pajamas.
Lingerie is not as practical as pajamas. Pajamas can be worn when you travel, when you just want to sleep, and any time. While sometimes lingerie can look weird. For example when you go for hiking with friends, and at night you will have to sleep in hostel. The lingerie will look extremely weird.
These were all the advantages and disadvantages of lingerie and pajamas. We think that both are extremely helpful and beneficial for women. Every woman should have both pajamas and lingerie. However wear pajamas when you are alone and you just want to take some good rest and relaxation. Once you are with your partner wear lingerie, because there is nothing more attractive than a woman in lingerie. Anyway, just balance them both.