(c) Can Stock Photo / katielittle25

(c) Can Stock Photo / katielittle25

If puberty among boys has to do usually with psychological moments and usually passes easily, then with girls things are much more difficult and complicated. In case of girls they pass through very strong changes both psychological and physical as well. Puberty usually starts earlier among girls than among boys. That is the reason why girls around 13 look older and more mature than boys who are of the same age. The reason is that the puberty among girls starts earlier and they get mature earlier than boys.

Besides this the puberty for girls is much more painful and the physical changes are also stronger than in case of girls. Anyway the hormonal changes affect the girls a lot, both physically and psychologically. That is the reason why most of the girls take the puberty very heavy and usually they become very emotional and sensitive at this period of development.  In order to take care of the girls’ puberty in right way, girls should have mothers or another elder woman near, so as she will tell and explain everything.

  • The very first problem and the biggest deal about the girls’ puberty is of course the matter of period. This is painful, scary and also influences the emotional sphere of girl. During the periods girls do become more emotional, irritated and they can be easily hurt. Besides this, the fact that they see blood is already enough to be emotionally and psychologically under pressure. This happens mostly in the time of very first period. During the very first period girls are surprised and they do not know how to handle this. They just have some basic information about what the puberty is and how it all happens. Anyway the very first time is very exciting for some girls, on the other hand, for others it is an unexpected and stressful thing.
  • Besides the periods girls also suffer from acne. This is not absolute truth for every girl, but many of them can have quite much acne on face. This is another problem that girls face and this makes them think that they are not beautiful, which in its turn is a psychological problem.
  • Besides this there are also certain problems related to physical serious changes. For example girls can develop their breasts and have bigger ones. This may cause a problem of looking older than the actual age of the girl. Besides this, some girls become too tall at the time while boys remain short because they pass the puberty later. So this may lead to law self-esteem among girls.
  • Many girls also face weight changes during puberty. Some girls can get lots of weight which is of course bothers them and makes them feel about their own looks. Technically there is nothing you can do about this. Girls do need to eat healthy and sitting on diet while puberty is unacceptable. So for this girls just need to do more sport in order to be in shape and to minimize the body weight if they face this problem.
  • And again we have to come back to periods. The periods are very painful sometimes. Sometimes there can be an unbearable backache, the feeling of being sick and also the pain in stomach or in belly.

As you see there are quite many problems that girls face during the puberty. The problems that girls face are actually much more difficult than the ones that boys face during puberty. As you know boys need men to guide them during puberty, just like that girls need women to tell and teach them all the things. The main problems among girls during puberty are related to periods, the pain of period and the physical changes that makes them feel uncomfortable in their own skin. Therefore, that is the reason  it is quite natural that puberty is not an easy thing for girls. Some girls might have early puberty and also might have late puberty. Some girls may face the problem of late periods. If it is the age of having the periods, between 13-15 but there are no periods then it is recommended to visit a doctor, because puberty is not a joke for girls.

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