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Is it worth inducing labor? Pros and cons.

Today we are discussing a very important issue for pregnant women. That is the labor. There are several stages of labor and birth.  The very first stage of labor is when you have those constructions that cause big changes in your cervix and ends with you cervix being completely dilated, that is, open. This happens when your cervix gradually thins out and opens, in order to provide some space for baby to come out.

The second stage starts when your cervix is fully dilated and open, and ends when you push the baby out. The last and third stage ends with the delivery of placenta.

The process of labor can be very painful for some people and lasts different time for different people. It may last 12 hours and even more.

Actually labor is a natural process and the best variant is when you naturally push the baby out when the cervix is opened enough, but sometimes the nature does need help.

What are the advantage so inducing labor and why should you be on “pros” side?

The inducement of labor is definitely recommended when you have the following problems which may affect your health or may have a negative impact on baby’s health.

So here are the advantages of inducing labor.

  • When it is approximately 2 weeks after your due date but still the labor did not start naturally. This may be really dangerous for both you and baby and in this case, by the advice of your doctor, the inducement is definitely recommended.
  • Another case when inducement is needed, is when your water has broken, but the contractions are not there.
  • There is not enough amniotic fluid that should surround your baby
  • When there is an infection in your uterus
  • When there is a big risk either for you or for the baby, because of certain health condition, like diabetes or high blood pressure.


These were the cases when the inducement of labor is definitely recommended and should take place, otherwise there may be a huge risk for your and baby’s lives.

However, you know that the longer your pregnancy is, the larger your baby will be. If your baby is too large then it will be very painful for you to push them out. So it would have been good if the labor process began naturally and on time. Besides inducing may be good option to avoid some risks, but at the same time, you may gain new risks.

Here is the list of arguments, why some people are on “cons” side.

  • Inducing can cause law heart rate because inducing may bring too many contractions, which in its turn will diminish the oxygen supply of your baby and cause law heart rate.
  • Bleeding after delivery can happen after the inducement. The reason is that inducement increases the risk that the muscles of your uterine will not contract properly after giving birth, and after that you may have a serious bleeding.
  • Inducement may be the cause of infection. This depends on the way the inducement was done. For example stripping and sweeping the membranes, placing a catheter or breaking water may bring in some infections.

These were the common reasons why people are against the inducement of labor.  Actually the inducement of labor is a difficult question and a very responsible one. However, there are some cases when it is undeniable because of serious risks. In that case you have to do the inducement of labor, but on the other hand, if there is a small chance that you can have the labor naturally, then wait and see, because anyways, having the baby naturally is the best variant.

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