Dish type: dessert

Cooking level: Difficult

Timing: 2 hours

Origin: Italian

Nutrition: law

The world enjoys many fine cuisines rich in different and delicious dishes and recipes. Yet, the Italian cuisine is one of the rare things that everyone would say is a favorite and irreplaceable one. There is such a firework of different tastes and flavors in the Italian cuisine that one cannot do anything but admiring it and wanting to have more and more recipes of it. 

So I am sure you all just adore Italian pizza, ravioli, lasagna and other fine dishes like these. However, not many of you may imagine that Italian cuisine is also rich in fine dessert. We are too much used to the Idea that Italian cuisine is all about having a good food and feeling full, but it is really the time to introduce you the Italian fine dessert, jam doughnuts.

So to make the Italian jam doughnuts you will need


400g of plain flour

Dried yeast, about 10 g

50 gram of caster sugar

150ml of warmed milk

1/3 cup of pouring cream

Granted butter, about 50 gram

1 egg, beaten

Ground cinnamon, one pinch

Pinch of salt

Vegetable oil

The making

So to make this amazing dish, you firstly will have to add the flour, sugar and yeast into a bowl which has an electric mixer in it, in order to be able to mix the dough. Then after adding these ingredients you should slowly add the milk, butter, cream, a pinch of salt and the cinnamon until you will have smooth but not hard dough.

After all is done, leave the dough for about 60-90 minutes and cover it with something, so as the dough will become of double size.

When the dough has risen enough, take it out of bowl and knock it back and flatter so much until it is approximately of 1cm thickness.  Then cut it into 6cm rounds with a cutter. Place the rounds onto the tray and leave them there for 5-10 minutes. 

Then you should heat the oil in saucepan for 175C and then you should fry the doughnuts in batches, being carefully and turning them occasionally after 4 minutes. After making sure that the doughnuts have turned golden color on both sides, and making sure that the doughnuts are baked properly it is the time to place them on paper towel to drain.

Then you should role the doughnuts into the caster sugar and cinnamon. After doing so pierce a hole in the doughnut and pipe raspberry jam inside the doughnuts. 

I am sure you doughnuts are super tasty. 

As you can guess this may sound easy, but in reality making a doughnut is not an easy thing. It Is easy to make a mistake in the making, and because of that you may get poor doughnuts. So the timing is about 2 hours. The nutrition level is not high because it lacks vitamins and healthy things, but it is rich in calories. It is very rich in calories, so if you have certain overweight problems, do not overeat. Actually doughnuts make you feel full very early.

Enjoy your fine Italian yummy jam doughnuts, but do not overeat! 

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