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Pokemon Go? Have you ever heard about this game? Well I am sure that you have heard about Pokemon many times in your life. Pokemon is a cute creature or cute monster. Now the new game called Pokemon go involving this Pokemon monster has been a real sensation.

First we need to tell what this game is about if you do not have any idea about it. So the idea of Pokemon Go game is to collect and trade these Pokemon creatures. The game is played through special app for the game, and nowadays the app is becoming even more popular than what’s up and messenger apps. The cool thing about the game is that it is a combination of reality and made up world by technology. The game by using GPS and camera makes the Pokemon appear in the place you are.

As you can already guess this is a really fun game that everyone likes to play. It is a kind of combination of something existing and not existing. As you can guess not only adults, but children also adore this game. Truly, this is a wonderful one, but just like other games this one also has got some risks that are not safe for children.

So what are the risks and things that are not safe for children regarding this game?

The game is actually designed in a way that you meet foreigners, it brings strange people together. So actually you never know who the stranger will be, and therefore this aspect it is not safe for the child. There can be so many dangers while meeting foreigners. The stranger may kidnap the kid and so many other staff. It is a really big risk from this aspect.

Also there is a risk that the child will get lost or will not be attentive to the places he or she goes. The game can take you anywhere, and the child can easily lose concentration on where he is and may get lost, or appear in some dangerous places. Besides some people may control the GPS and know the location of your child. This is also risky. From this side also the game is not safe for kids.

There free option for the game and also the non-free ones. Make sure that the kid is playing with the free one, otherwise the bill is going to be really high. It can be more than 300 dollars.

The Pokemon go also required the personal information of your child, such as the birth place, the date of birth etc. This can also be risky for some parents and children, so if you do not want people to see your child’s personal data then the only option for you is to connect them and ask about it.

As you can see this is an online game which may arouse some real life dangers, which can result in very bad situation for parents and for kids as well.

Besides the not safe reasons mentioned above, you should also take into consideration that actually it is a virtual game that keeps away your child from having outdoor activities which are necessary for the children. The child had better play with jump rope and play some other fun games outdoors rather than be emerged into the apps from such a young age.

However, if your child is interested in this game, you can let him or her play it but it would be safer if you also played with the child, or if you played together. If you have free time just keep the eye on the kid while he or she is playing and follow the child wherever he or she goes. Of course this does not reduce all the risks, because some strangers for example can be equally dangerous for you as well, however, it will make things a little bit safer than letting the child be alone while playing.

What we think about Pokemon Go game is that it is an absolutely interesting and fun game, but it has way too many dangers, especially for children. It is adventurous but at the same time risky. So what we advise is that you can play and let your child play this game, but do it with family. Arrange the game with family if possible, so that you will not have to meet the strangers and be worried who the stranger will be. Take care and make sure you are playing safe.

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