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We all know those companies or their advertising campaign that we can hardly forget. This hints us to the fact that those campaigns are the ones which are successful and were really beneficial for their companies. If you ever wondered how you can create some campaigns like those ones, maybe at first you should go on with getting introduced with them and seeing what are they.
With so many creative and unique advertising campaigns in the market, it is obviously difficult to choose some of them and mention them to be the best ones. However, we have tried to separate some of them: the ones that we doubt can be find someone not knowing them. So, let’s see which ones they are:
- Nike – Just do it
Whether you take this for just going to a run or being motivated, or something else – Nike’s “Just do it” always works perfect for everything. Some of you may not know the long history that is in the back of the creation of this slogan. In fact, when obesity was having enormous numbers in America and people were walking less and less. Also, as a result of economic crisis, schools were closing some sport lessons, Nike had another goal of making people walk more and go in for sport. It was at that time, when Rebook arrived and brought with itself a new campaign/ category of new aerobic shoes. Those shoes were especially for women and they were striving to get them and start their workouts. Nike had to do something, to have a boom in the market – something that will be motivating, meaningful, surprising and catching. And Nike did it – finding something that would be an everyday slogan, even if you pronounce it in everyday life – not remembering about Nike, you still remember and mention Nike. This is how a great advertising looks like! So just do it!
- Apple – Misunderstood (December 2013)
Do you remember that Christmas Ad, were the boy seems to always play with his phone and not pay attention to what his family members and friends are doing? And everyone is having so much fun, because it is the Christmas time, people are smiling, buying presents, playing with the snow – and he is playing with the phone. The one who is watching this ad the first time would probably think Apple did such a bad job – anti-advertising, showing the sad reality – but then it comes the last moment of the ad: when the boy shows the film he was making during the whole period. And it seems to be so sad and happy, magical and so surprising. Maybe the best present to the relatives? Well, Apple knows how to make ads, and those ads are surely going viral every time. This one was not an exception: people really liked it a lot and enjoyed the Christmas with the Apple ad.
- Coca Cola – Christmas Campaign
Yes, we are already in that Christmas mood, writing all about the Christmas campaigns. But, wait maybe there is some statistics telling that during the Christmas period you are more likely to create something extraordinary and go viral? Who knows, let the advertisers think about this. We will just go on presenting the next advertising campaign. We bet every time Christmas comes you don’t imagine it without the famous Coca Cola ad, where the Santa Claus comes on that red, full of lights train. And that Christmas mood and music are usually coming right with the Coca Cola ad. Do you know when exactly Coca Cola started its Christmas advertising? Well, great news – it dates back to 1920s and continues bringing the Christmas mood with the truck till today.
- Adidas
Okay, let us now pass from the Christmas to other topics. Another company making great advertisements is Adidas. Even if you don’t remember one certain campaign or an exact advertisement from Adidas you still know Adidas and this is the most important thing. All of the ads of Adidas together are powerful and motivational, which gives a huge number of followers to the Adidas itself. By having Ads on Creativity, rather than only hard work, it brings more and more people to the products that it offers. Being creative anywhere – this is what Adidas (and not only Adidas) are making their slogan everywhere and trying to do everything to make people not only just purchase their products, but also love them.
Do you think you will remember more amazing advertisements? We are sure you will remember – the bigger the world and the market, the more ads there are. And, obviously the competition is so huge, that people and the marketers are doing everything to bring themselves up with just one step.
All of those examples that we have brought are great ones, because they have counted everything, started from the emotions of the people, what are their expectations and needs, what is that time tells us to create and what does the market need? All of those questions and their answers are helping to create an ad that will be remembered by people for a very long period of time.
In other words, whenever you are about to create an ad, make sure you are getting introduced to the amazing things people do in the market and go on with creating another amazing ad.