(c) Can Stock Photo / italianestro
We all are seeing and liking tones of images every day. Sometimes we don’t even get concentrated on the idea: where do all of these pictures come? Well, the part of them are the ones that people are shooting themselves, however there are those millions of other images which are certainly not the property of the people who have shared them. What happens in that case, or you may ask “What do I have to do with this?”. Well, if you are separate user of some social profiles, maybe that would have nothing to do with you. However, if you are going to open up your profiles, most probably you should start paying attention to the images that you share in your official pages. In other words, the choice and usage of the images pays a huge role in marketing as well. Not only should they be used in a way that will attract more people, but they should also have a copyright or keep the using rights of the owners of those images. In other words, those helpful tips from us will help you be more accurate in your image sharing:
- Create your own images
In general, if you are having your official business pages, it is very much advised to have them filled with your own images. So, start creating them and use the resources that you have. If you feel like you should start with doing a photoshoot, then great, go on and do that. Prepare some ideas, choose beautiful places (if those matter for your business and the product/ services that you offer) and acquire the necessary equipment, like camera, light etc. (you can either buy them or rent – that’s your choice). Make a photoshoot and prepare various types of images for all of the content that you will need to be shared and posted with images. Make sure the images are high quality and are good enough to represent your business in social environment.
- Do not copy and paste
People have gone so far away from copy and pasting. There have been created the rules of copyright, so many programs are checking the duplicate contents, so if you really want to go that way… . Okay, we advise you not to go that way. Even if you think that image is going to be at the end of the article, which is not important at all. Just don’t copy paste. And, well that refers to the ideas as well. If you see a company doing a photoshoot somewhere or in a specific style, do not just copy the idea. Well, they won’t be able to proof that you have taken the idea from them. However, in order to really getting a good result, you should start creating your own brand, your own content and yes, your own images.
- In case you don’t have time for creating your own images
We don’t tell you to create your own images for every single content and we know it is okay not to have enough images for everything. So, what we suggest for that is buying images. There are so many Stocks of images where you can buy images and be calm with the idea that you don’t pass any law. You can make your own small research in order to see which stocks of the images are better. When searching, you can take into account those things:
- The varieties of the pictures – search several keywords which are relevant to your business and see whether the search results are satisfying. Does the stock has enough options for you to choose from? If yes, then go on with purchasing.
- Their quality – In most of the stock of the images only high quality images are included, however being careful again wouldn’t disturb you in that case.
- The prices for them – Choose some images and compare their prices, see in which websites you find better options. If you want to combine “High quality and cheap” images, then you will have to search more. But, at the end we believe you will be able to find a golden middle option for you.
- Taking from google images
Most of the times, what people are doing is just going to google images, searching what they want and just download the image they like. The number of the people who use this way as a way of finding images Is so huge, that sometimes it is not even accessible to count the numbers. However, what you can do is still using the google images, but choosing the ones which are mentioned to be available for reuse. In other words, in order to escape some problems that may arise as a result of taking any image from google, you should just go to google images, then tools and then mention there as an option “Labeled for reuse”. The images which are in this section are mentioned free to be reused, so you won’t have any problems with them. The only difficulty is that in this section you won’t find as many images as you could during a simple google image search. Yet, you will be able to find something for your content, if your search it well. You can go on with searching different keywords, so that their difference may bring more options. Just try it, until you get it.
Finding, choosing and using images may seem to such an easy job and no one would ever think it can be that difficult, until they get to the world of online marketing. So, respect others rights of ownership and you will be respected backwards. Good luck in image hunting!