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Building a team which will both work effectively and have an inner and peaceful interaction with each other is an essential job of the HR. This is a challenge that every HR would meet whenever the team becomes larger and new people arrive. Well, let us start with the simple task you have: creating a team. Here, you are most probably to take some of the important factors, such as:
- How do the team members share the common thoughts or ideas on different things?
- How do they implement this or that task?
- Do they have any common thing besides the job?
And there are even many more questions to ask before creating a team and “forcing” the members work together. And the successful HR manager is the one who will be able to meet this challenge and have the team coping together in a great way. However, not all of the times can this go as we would like it to be. Sometimes you, as an HR manager may notice that there need to be some changes in the team in order to have the job done successful. This can have two reasons:
- First reason may be the non-effective way of working- either the members do not really like each other and are unable to cope with together, or they like each other so much, that spend most time with sharing everything except the job. This is what you should notice as an experienced and professional HR.
- And, the second reason is – in case you are not noticing the effect of the job the successful results, the team members come to help. Another reason for making some changes in the team may become the team member himself. Reasons for this can be a lot, starting from the inner conflict and finishing up just with the wish of getting something else and working with a new team.
With either of this reasons the only solution is deciding whether you should go on to the moving of the team, or not. Here are some things to consider before making that decision:
- How subjective or how objective the question is?
Discuss for yourself, whether the moving of a person in the team is just a subjective wish, or it has some real facts and proves showing that the team is not working successfully? Make sure you get the real answer to it, because just someone telling that “I don’t want to work with this person” will never be a real solution to a problem.
- Evaluate the team members again
If one team member requires the team to be changed, that would probably have a deeper reason than just a thought of working with other people. This means that before doing any changes, you should start with evaluating all of the team members and trying to find the one who is the reason for that. It is not necessarily obligatory that there will be an exact person for that, however, evaluation will always help you get things deeper.
- Learn about the reasons
During the evaluation process you will start with, also try to learn the exact reasons. If the team works really hard and has got some successes, maybe there is no need to make the changes? Imagine, there was a small conflict between the members- in this case, you better try to give a solution to them by bringing to conversation the both sides. Let them talk and discuss what they didn’t like in that exact happening and solve the problem in this way. It would be really pity to end up the successful work of the team, just because of a single happening. So, go deeper into the reasons and learn as much as possible.
- Ask the team members
If you are evaluating, following the team and are still unable to find a useful information, pass on asking the team members. There is nothing bad in having one to one conversation asking them about the exact reasons or some conflicts that had happened. Remember: your primary goal is not going that deep into their relationships and forcing the one team member to tell something bad or negative about the other one. All you need is an information of the reason, not a too personalized opinion about the team members. So, be careful not to pass the line here, as sometimes it becomes really different to the HR managers.
- Make that decision
After evaluating, asking the team members, following and finding the reasons of the exact reason, you should make that decision. However, the job is not yet solved with just moving a team. It is important to make the right decision of moving this or that team member to this or that exact team. Which means, whether or not you succeeded in conversation, you should have a success in finding the problem. This will help you better understand what you are working with and which are most smart decisions now to be taken. This will also help you understand where is better to move the team and what other direction to give to the team members.
After doing all of these steps, we hope that your team members will enjoy their work in the new team environment. And we also hope that you will overcome this and many other challenges that you may see in the future. After all, working with a team is a difficult task, and you are doing it great! Good job!