(c) Can Stock Photo / Feverpitched

As a human resources manager you may have done the most difficult part of your job: have found the right employees for the company. Most of the companies may find that their job is done, as other tasks should be implemented by the employees and all they have to do is following for them to do the tasks correctly. However, this is far away from the reality and what should be done. Every company has to think also about rewarding the employees, their behavior and performance at the job. This will show your appreciation towards the employees and will make them work even harder for more rewards.

It’s a well-known fact that employees start working with more motivation when they know the possibility of being rewarded rather then they know that no one will even pay attention to their well-done job. And, if you are a good HR, you will definitely think of some amazing and cool ideas which will help boost the motivation and efficiency of your employees.

Here are some ideas from us:

  1. Let them go home one hour earlier – If you just count it to be 1 hour in like 2 months or a period when you don’t have many rush projects, 1 hour won’t change a lot. Well, first of all because people usually don’t work during the last hour as efficiently as they would during any other hour, because they are getting ready to finishing it up. This means coming to the office and saying they can go 1 hour earlier will be an amazing surprise, plus you won’t lose anything.
  2. One day off – This is another option of letting people know that you care about them. Well, one day won’t change anything (of course if you are not letting the whole stuff to leave the job) and if you chose that one employee that has worked a lot and needs that rest, let him go. It seems to be just a day, but it really can change a lot. Believe us, the rested person can do more than the one who is tired and waiting for the next weekend.
  3. Party – organize an event, party, drinking day anything that can be a reason to talk about your lives, share your feelings and NOT speak about the job. Organize some team building games and play them – this is an amazing way to make you become a greater team.
  4. Wall of the “Employee of the week” – Put the name of the employee on the wall of fame, the one who has worked hard and did a lot, who helped most and supported the company. This will bring motivation to the employees to become better and better every day.
  5. Just a thank you note – If you don’t have much time, but notice that the employee made it through something hard, just a thank you note would be enough to show that you appreciate it. Just write a small note of “Thank you”, “You are doing it right” or “I knew you could this” and believe us, this will make the day of that employee.
  6. Movie or theater? – Nice idea, buy some tickets to the film or a theater to have heard your employees were discussing recently but weren’t going because of being at the job. Let them miss some hours of job and go see that film. Either way they will think about the film when they are sitting at the office and working.
  7. Maybe some presents? – If you are working in a small company flowers would work good. If you are working in a bigger company maybe some chocolate or a cake? Imagine your employees sitting and just working when you enter to the door and invite them to cake eating. This won’t take much time but will make their day special.
  8. Music is always a good idea – Start the day with a music, turn on a song every morning and let your day start with it. This will be unusual at the beginning but can become a nice tradition for your company. Besides will open up the mood and bring up energy for the work.


Those ways of rewarding your employees are really important in order to share your love and care with them. Let them know that the job they are doing is important for you, for the company and that they are changing something. Everyone loves being appreciated so be the one who starts appreciating.