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Creating a personal brand and working on the already established company’s branding can be totally different. The fact that you are working on your personal brand can be both exciting and more difficult as it brings more challenges and obstacles with it. If you want to create your personal brand and have effective results you can go on with reading the following tips.
Provide enough time to it
Sometimes when you have so many things to do, you may think about delaying doing something that refers to the personal brand. That is to say we are always doing first what we are responsible for, then passing to the things that are connected to us personally. Imagine you are working somewhere and want to build your personal brand. In this case, you will most probably do all of your responsibilities at the work and then only after that pass into your personal brand. Which seems to be natural, however, in order to reach a result, you should dedicate enough time to you and your brand as well. For that, you can make a schedule of the week beforehand and include there the list of things that you should do for your brand. If you have to do those five things you can each spread on a day and write the estimated hour for that task. Do not delay the implementation of the task in any circumstances. Just think that this is another responsibility you should do and can’t delay it.
Stay comfortable with yourself
If you feel like you are doing something but the market wants something else, that is a tough situation. That is to say you will surely need some motivation and a lot of work done in order to go on that risk and try to implement your idea even if you know that the market is not ready for that. However, what we want to say is important – what you really like? Where do you feel yourself comfortable? Those are the most important things. If you look at the market and do everything as it requires you won’t create something new. Do not stop believing in what you are doing and working on that. We are sure that every hard work gets paid one day, so just keep doing what you really like.
Create the strategy plan
Every branding doesn’t matter whether you are doing for the huge company or your personal brand needs to have a strategy. Those are some rules, ways and ideas you will choose as a way of implementing the branding. You are the one who decides how to implement the things, how to create the brand, what to use for it and what not to. In other words, having a written strategy plan will help you up with that and give answers to many questions.
Build relationships
This can be more of a pre – starting step, which you should do even long before creating your personal brand. That means you should always try to learn everything possible from the people that surround you. Do not do this just intentionally in order to get help from them later. You, as a public figure should always enjoy building relationships with people who are from the same sphere and with whom you have some common goals. Having built relationships with them, will help you with many situations. Starting from the fact that they can help you with just giving a piece of advice and finishing up with their ties with the business world. All you need now is to reach to the market and here is where the relationships will help you.
Start the marketing
In order to reach a success, you should continually work on your marketing plan. Whether you are doing it online or offline that should be started right at the beginning. If you are doing online marketing, let’s say you are starting with the Facebook and Instagram, you can be active enough, so that your audience will know you even if you haven’t still appeared in the market yet. In other words, advertising yourself with the non- paid or paid means are the things you can always use to become popular and create your brand. In this sense social media platforms are amazing to build relationship with people, get contacted with the influencers and gain your audience. If your personal brand is not yet in the market, those social platforms will help you gain at least a little bit of popularity before that. So, make sure you are using the right tactics for this and are doing the right marketing steps.
Motivate yourself
When you are reaching the huge market, you will always have that obstacles, disappointments and difficulties in your way. Make sure you have those ways that can always motivate you and give you energy when you want to (or even just think to) give up. Those can be either some books, or interesting films, or anything else that can motivate you and become a way of cheering you up. You can go on with motivating yourself as leaders would do: learn continually, pay attention to your body (be active physically, you can either go to gym or choose yoga – but make sure you are active) and live a healthy life in order to be able to go through every difficulties that you may face.
It is not of a secret that building a personal brand is not that much easy. But if you are the one who has the idea and is ready to start working: it is the exact time for you. Don’t give up and start working hard. Good luck!