(c) Can Stock Photo / AnatolyM
Having this or that leadership skill may seem to be the beginning to everything. Isn’t it simple? You have the list of the skills that you have for becoming a leader. However, in order to become a leader, you should have a goal, a destination towards which your steps will be leaded to. However, that may seem not that much easy done as it is said. You should be ready to go through many questions, finding answers to those questions, setting and erasing goals, until you finally choose something that is truly yours. Here are some tips that will help you understand which is your goal as a leader:
- Analyze what you are doing your free time
Try to catch yourself on the things you are doing on your spare time. Imagine you have just finished doing the things that you were responsible to do. Now you are closing your notebook, or the class books (if you are studying) and … what are you doing now? Well, if you are just wasting your time or having a rest, that is not counted. The goal of this part of the analyze is finding out your true hobbies, something that you really enjoy doing. And apparently, if you are giving your spare time to that, meaning to say you are preferring it to having a rest, then that is really interesting to you. Take a paper and write down the names of the things you are used to. You will later use this for understanding which one you would like to be an important part of your whole life.
- Analyze what you are spending your money on
Another part of doing the analyze is being more careful on what you are spending your money on. Whether it is food or clothes, or the latest book on leadership or latest news in the business world: it is important to analyze whether you are used to invest your money into something or not. Meaning to say, this analysis will help you determine whether you are thinking about a far future, or are just more concentrated on the daily comfort and beauty. Again, take a sheet of paper and fill it with the information you have. Be as honest as you can while doing this exercises, doesn’t matter whether you are spending your money on the necessary things or not.
- What is the source of your inspiration?
Ask yourself different questions, like “What do I like doing most” (pretty similar to the first one), “what do I get motivation from” or “what does make me happy” or “what do I get satisfaction from”. This questions will help you identify the source of your inspiration. Whether it is a change in an educational sphere that leads you to be inspired and motivated or latest innovation in IT world, this will help you know the sphere you want to be in. There is no need to remind about the piece of paper, right? You take it and right again what is your inspiration! Give as much clear and honest answers, as possible.
Those are the most important questions you can be concentrated on for knowing where you want to be. Whenever you understand the place you want to belong to, it will be easier to find your goal there.
However, if you are still hesitating, let’s go on with other questions as well. Ask yourself:
- What are you most worried about in the world?
- What are discussing most with your friends, colleagues etc.?
- What do you really enjoy studying?
- What thought are you catching yourself thinking about very often?
- What are you best at? What are your skills best at?
- What do you like spending your energy on?
These questions are additional helpers that will fill in the gaps you may have in your paper. Write down everything onto the paper and read it after finishing it up. Now, you have more than ever: the answers to so many important questions, that will help you settle your goal as a leader.
Just a quick reminder: all you have to do is to give very accurate and honest answers to all of the questions. After all, it is your life goal and depending what you decide now that decision may become either your life or just a job of your life that you choose by mistake. We wish you a good luck in this important task!