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How to treat the hair baldness.
We talked about hair loss problems before and also we discussed the reasons and causes of hair drop, which eventually leads the person to baldness. Nowadays, the problem of baldness is even more spread than any other problem connected to hair. Women and men slowly get bald, because of variety of reasons and because of the dirty environment in general. The hair care is especially difficult for women and if men take the problem of hair baldness really difficult, then women take it twice difficult. The reason if this is that women usually are more sensitive and emotional, especially to things that are strongly related to their appearance and image. However, for men becoming bald is also not a pleasant thing. If this happens, to men, some of them try to solve the problem, while the rest just accept the baldness, and create the image of bald man.
However, there many solutions for baldness which will provide an effective result. So let’s just see the ways we can solve and treat the problem of baldness.
Here are some tips for both men and women.
- Apply herbal hair rinse to your hair. The hair may really need some good nourishment. The herbal hair rinse can do it better than anything else. So what you can do is to just rinse your hair with herbal hair rinse after you use shampoo.
- Do not use any kind of conditioner because they contain some strong chemicals. Instead of conditioners you can use natural butter and oils, which will nourish and have the same effect as conditions but in natural way, without absolutely harming your hair and scalp.
- Choose the best kind of comb. Well, the wooden wide comb is the best option just because it has some massaging functions and also it helps you to comb your hair gently unlike other kind of combs.
- The use of flax seeds can really help to grow your hair and make them more massive. The flax seeds are just miracles, when it comes to the use of these seeds to hair. So just use them daily. You can just eat a spoon of flax seeds and you will benefit your hair a lot.
- Exercising is also helpful in case of treating baldness. I know this may sound a little bit weird but let’s see how this works. When you work out, you sweat, which helps you dead cells of scalp get removed and which also gives space to new cells. In this way you will grow your hair fastly.
- The use of lentils and beans can also help you to treat the problem of baldness, especially if you are vegan of vegetarian. Protein is a must for hair. If you do not eat meat, then beans and lentils will provide you the protein you need for hair.
- Apply some herbal oils to your head. The olive oil is just the perfect thing. The almond oil is also quite effective in case of baldness issue.
- Do not forget to eat food rich in vitamins. Eat fish, fruits and vegetables as they can provide you with all the acid and vitamins for growth of hair.
- Keep in good mood. Good mood also helps a lot to treat the problem of baldness. If you stress and stay depressed the whole time, then your hair will never get restored and you will never be able to treat the baldness. While if you live happy and stay cheerful then be sure that the problem can be treated easily.
As you see it is not so difficult to remover from the baldness. If you follow one of these tips you will get a good result. However, try to use all the tips at the same time. In this case you will really get the desired result and you will be able to grow your hair very fast. If you noticed all the tips are very simple ones, that do not require neither too much time, nor too much money. You just have to watch out and do some minor things, which will help you to overcome the problem.
Take care of you hair and you will easily treat the baldness.