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Some women have desperately curly hair and they just do not know how to take care of them. It is not a news that in reality curly hair are the type of hair which is extremely difficult to take care of. We all have different types of hair, like straight, curly or wavy. We all also have different types of hair color. I mean people can have dark or light hair colors. In any way those who have curly hair, they need to pay really much attention to the hair. The thing is that curly hair are the most problematic ones. They can be messed easier than any other hair type. For example when you look at straight hair, it is absolutely obvious that they are very easy to take care of. In reality, wavy wavy hair are also not difficult to take care of. While, when it comes to curly hair, they can be really problematic. In fact, some types of curly hair are so problematic that it is even hard to comb. That is the reason why we decided to devote a special article to those who suffer from having really curly hair, and do not really know what to do about it.
- First of all if you have really curly hair, then you should use the shampoo or conditioners which are designed for damaged hair. The explanation for this is the following. Well, curly hair are usually much drier than those of other types. If hair are drier, then it means that they can get damaged easier than other types of hair. That is the reason why you should choose the shampoo which is absolutely good for damaged hair.
- If you have really curly hair, one thing you should know for sure is that you definitely should not use the shampoo too often. Many women who have curly long hair, use shampoo every single day. However, the use of shampoo can make the hair even drier. Besides this, shampooing very often will make your hair look fuzzier as well.
- However, you should also know that curly hair need quite much moisture. This means that you have to co-wash your hair quite often. This in its turn means that you can wash your hair quite often under water, but you should not add shampoo. Just water your hair quite often but use shampoo only once a week. This will make your hair be softer and look less fuzzy.
- You definitely should use gels and moisturizer as well. As already said before, you should also use different types of things in order to moisturizer your hair because they can really get damaged very early.
- If you use the styling tools based on heat, then you have to use the low heat. This will make your hair less dry and they will not be damaged so hard.
These were the most important tips you should really know about curly hair. Curly hairs are difficult to comb and to take care of. The best way of treating them is just following the tips we gave you. You can also comb your hair wet, because while doing it wet, while make the process much easier. Besides this, if you comb your hair right after washing, they will not look so messy when they get dry. You should also use conditioner and moisturizer in order to make them look good. Just take care of your curly hair, if you want them look great and try to use the hair styling tools as less as possible because they just make hair more damaged.