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Mom and son relations are quite good yet a very complicated one. If the relations are healthy then you will feel very comfortable and you will trust each other. The relations based on trust between mom and sons are very important ones and probably one of the most amazing relations ever. There are many things that mothers teach to their sons and there are many things that sons learn from their moms. Moms are the very first women that sons see and love. So we can say that the love to mom is the very first love of a son. These relations are just indescribable. In most of the cases moms and sons are real best friends, they share secrets and give advices.  Mom teaches the son many things as already I mentioned before. Mom is the one who teaches the son to basic knowledge, mom is the one who teaches him how to love and respect. However the most important thing that mom teaches the son is how to treat the woman and how to be a real gentleman. The way the son treats the women tells a lot about his mom.

If the mom taught the son how to treat the women, taught her to respect women and to be a gentleman, then he will really be a gentleman. This also has a lot to do with what the son has seen between the mom and dad. If the father always treated the mothers nice and respected her, then he will learn the respect also. So as you see the way people were raised up influences the life of son a lot.

So how mom should make her son gentlemen? Here are some tips for moms.

  • First of all just talk to your son and explain him that women are soft creatures who need love and care. Teach him that women are softer and less protective, so if you see a woman who needs helps you should help her. This will really make him feel that girls need his support always.
  • Besides this tell him that he is a man, and he is stronger than women. The feeling that he is stronger will make him understand that his nature is to help weaker ones and to save them. So just make him feel like hero from early age.
  • You have to talk about helping and respecting girls from very young age. If you teach them this from very young age then he will definitely have the right vision of the differences between men and women from very young age and he will also respect the women from childhood.
  • Besides this, you have to teach in practice how to treat the girl. Make him open doors for women and give them space, act like gentlemen, carry heavy things instead of women, hold coats for women and always show attention and care.
  • Teach him that it is not nice to shake hands with a woman. If the woman gives her hand first while greeting, then only you can shake hands with her. So the first initiative of shaking hands with a woman is always in women. You should not give your hand first.
  • There is one more thing that not all the moms tell their sons. If you want your son find the best girl teach him that women really want to see someone much stronger by their sides than they themselves. So you should really teach him to be strong and not be egoistic. Ego spoils everything with girls.

These were the main things you should teach your son from very childhood in order to make him become a real gentleman and real man. Actually teaching how to become a real man is mostly the activity of dads. However, women also play a major role in the person the sons grows up to be. So the best thing to do is to just show love, respect and care. It is really important to teach all these things from very childhood, otherwise when he grows up, it will be too difficult to change the things in him. So just start from very early childhood.

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