(c) Can Stock Photo / dolgachov
Work can sometimes be stressful, either connected with the weather changes or the boss, or the minor event happening in the personal life. All of those things can become a reason for the employee to be stressed and lose the motivation towards the work.
And here, you, as a Human Resources manager should know the ways to get the employees out of the stress. We have already talked about the ways to motivate the employees through rewarding, however, today we are going to take a step forward. As sometimes the rewards can be even before the stress and won’t help to the stress recovery immediately.
So, today we will discuss how to help your employees get out from the stress:
- Be a friend
We know that you can’t keep the friendly relationship with everyone, however, trying to keep them in some level would be of a great help. Well, one more thing to take into account is that you can’t become a friend in one day – whenever your employees are in stress. Which means, you should have some kind of friendly relationship with your employees, and whenever you see they need your help it will be easier to share with you the reasons. First of all, start with a conversation and show that you are not talking to them as an HR manager would talk to the employee. Let them know that you are talking with them just as a friend and only want to help him/ her. This will help the employee feel freer in telling the real reasons for the stress, doesn’t matter whether it is connected with the job or personal life.
- Be patient in listening
When becoming a friend and trying to help, be patient and ready to listening what is really the problem about. The reasons may be different, they can vary from case to cases and the advice that you should give should be according to that case. But before giving an advice, you should listen carefully. After all, your purpose is bringing the employee back to the motivated work and not going deeper into stressful life. This means, you should listen more patiently and try to be of a help with your advice.
- Go further if the advice doesn’t help
Sometimes, the listening and just giving an advice wouldn’t help and you will need to go further with the help you are providing. If, during the listening you feel like the situation is serious, make sure to take some steps. Those can be, for example, changing the graphic a little bit and making it more flexible. If you feel like the employee is sitting in front of the desk and not doing anything, you better not keep him/ her at the office. Let the employee go out and have a work, or have one day off. Having one week working from home can be another solution that will help the employee and the situation he/ she is in.
- Let the employee know that he/ she won’t miss the job
Most of the times, when the employees are being in stress, they are being also obliged to come to the work as they think they can be fired because of missing the days, deadlines and not working effectively. If the employee is one of the good ones, let him/ her know that you appreciate their presence in the company and that you can wait for some period until recovery. In this case, firstly, knowing that they are appreciated will be another motivation to be recovered, and the fact that they can take a rest will work better. So, show them that they have the right of not feeling good: it is their right of a human being.
- Accordingly, lessen the multitasking
When you let your employee know that they appreciated and you won’t be fired them just because they are in stress. Lessen the amount of tasks, don’t force them to be concentrated on several things at the same time and let them have a rest a little bit. However, at the same time, let them know that they can come back to the same amount of their job whenever they are read to it.
- One of the best advices: yoga and meditation
Find or advise them to find a yoga class and go into it. Yoga has so many benefits, plus it has special poses that help to get through stress with the help of the yoga. This means, several minutes or an hour in a day would totally help your employee and bring back to the normal state of mood. Advise them to start with practicing yoga, by finding a class, buying the necessary clothes and going to it. If they are beginners, they can have special poses for beginners and won’t even notice how they are coming to the work with motivation and energy.
Thanks to these tips and tricks you will help your employees to reach a balance in life, get through the stress and come to the working schedule they were used to have. Remember, that everyone can get into stress and everyone would need a help to get through it. So, now, when you can become that important helping hand, don’t miss the chance of doing something kind and good: motivating as a true leader. Good luck and have a stress less day!