REEDITED BATHROOM BASINSelecting the right basin for your bathroom can turn out to be a tough task at hand due to the wide variety available in the market. You will find a range of materials, shapes and styles to choose from. The best way to make your choice is to focus on the most important factors and you will have the perfect basin installed in your bathroom.

Different Sink Types:

Sinks can be differentiated through the way they are mounted and where they are placed. Some of the top options include:

Countertop This is one of the most common varieties of sinks. The basin sits on top of a counter, which can be a part of the vanity unit with cabinets. These offer good storage space and elbow room to residents, as you will find enough space around the basin and cabinets. The different mounting options include top-mount, under-mount, vessel-sink or above-counter, and integral sinks.

Pedestal The sink is placed on a sleek base. This is considered as a vintage look but you will find many contemporary designs in the pedestal style as well. This sink is a good option in powder rooms or small bathrooms where you don’t have enough space for a counter and storage is not a priority.

Wall-mounted Sinks You will find these more often in commercial settings but a number of home owners are opting for wall-mounted sinks as well. They are mounted on the wall at a comfortable height and are open from below, exposing the drain pipe and water supply lines. These sinks are extremely affordable and work well in small bathrooms to create an open and clean look. If you want to make it look well-finished, you can opt for a polished chrome pipe finish.

Shapes and Sizes

With respect to bathroom basins, there is no one size fits all concept. The smallest sinks can be enough to wash your hands while the largest ones can be big enough to wash hair and delicate clothes as well. Mostly, the round sinks have a diameter of 16 inch -20 inch while the rectangular ones are 19-24 inches wide and 16-23 inches long. Ideal basin depth is between 5 to 8 inches.

The shape and size of the basin is based on personal preferences. If you want to replace an old fixture with the existing countertop, you must find a new sink that fits perfectly in the space. For those who have a small bathroom, you can opt for a triangular sink that can fit perfectly in a corner.


You can get your basic white sink that suits any bathroom in less than $ 50. If you increase your budget to $ 100 or $ 200, you can get many more shapes and materials, like pedestal sinks and vessel sinks of glass and stone. For $ 200 to $ 400, you will find basins in a variety of colours and styles. This is the most popular price range for most customers. Designer and luxurious basins usually cost more than $ 500 and the premium console sinks can go above $ 1000.

With so many options, it is natural for you to get confused when you go sink shopping. Have a clear focus in mind based on your needs and your bathroom décor. This will help you make the right choice within your budget.