Hang it; don’t fold it
Never fold a leather jacket. This leads to wrinkles and creases, which are difficult to remove. Hang the jacket on a sturdy wooden or padded coat hanger. This helps prevent wrinkles and also removes them over time. It requires a sturdy hanger to maintain the original shape of the jacket — flimsy hangers which are supplied when you buy new clothes are no good for this task.
Steam it
Hang a wrinkled leather jacket in the bathroom, and run hot water. The resulting steam will help remove any wrinkles. However, remember to hang the jacket well away from the water source, as splashes could damage the leather permanently.
Alternatively, use a hand-held steamer. Hold the steamer slightly away from the jacket as you work. If it is placed too close to the garment, condensation will form, and this will also damage the leather.
Iron it
Another way to remove wrinkles from a leather jacket is to simply iron it. Use a warm setting, but make sure the iron does not come into direct contact with the jacket. Place thick brown parcel paper over the jacket and then iron as normal. There should be just enough heat to remove any wrinkles, no more.
Store it right
Many people use plastic garment bags to store their clothes. However, this is not suitable for leather garments — leather needs to breathe to look good, and that can’t happen in a plastic bag. Cover your leather jacket with a fabric garment bag. This will help to remove existing wrinkles and also prevent wrinkles from forming in the first place.
Call in the specialists
If all else fails and your leather jacket remains stubbornly wrinkled, it’s time to call in the professionals. Locate a specialist cleaner, who will have access to a special industrial steamer to remove the wrinkles from your jacket.
Leather jackets are expensive investments, so it’s worth taking the time and trouble to ensure that they remain wrinkle-free and looking good. The tips above are easy to follow, so you should be able to keep your leather jacket looking like new for many years to come.