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How to maintain healthy nails?


Nail talk a lot about our health and in general about us. One of the best factors to see whether the person takes care of himself or herself is the nails. If the person has good nails, preciously taken care of, then the person is a clean and neat one. The condition of nails also tells us a lot about our health.  Many people think that only women take care of their nails, and that it is something related to women only. This is a very wrong statement, because both men and women should take care of their nails in order to be attractive and neat. Nail is another kind of face for our organism, we have some kind of health issues, and this will be immediately seen on our nails.

Normally, if you have healthy nails, then they must be free of ridges, discoloration and they also should not have dents. They can be many reasons why your fingers are not healthy. So let’s observe the situation of nails closer.

  • The very first thing you should do to have healthy nails, is to use thick moisturizers near the cuticles. The cuticles are the parts of skin that surround the nails and connect them to skin. They often get dry and look ugly, which results in flaking and peeling. So use creams and ointments if you want to get rid of the dryness.
  • You should apply lotions which contain alpha-hydroxy acids, which will help to have your nails straight. This is done when you face the problem of brittles. Brittles appear when you nails are under the wet environment for a long period of time. So the cause can be swimming or dishwashing. However the lotions which contain alpha-hydroxy acid will help you to smooth the nails. On the other hand, the lotion effect will be just temporary, if you use water a lot again. So the only thing you can do is to use gloves.
  • In case you have discolorations you should visit the dermatologist. Usually the discoloration of nails is connected to the infection because of fungi in the air and dirt. SO once you notice nail discoloration, just visit the doctor, who will recommend you a cream or any product for treatment.
  • If you do not be in wet environments and if you use lotion and still you have brittle, then talk to your doctor about using iron supplement. The brittle may also be caused by the deficiency of iron.
  • You can also use biotin, which is a natural product which can benefit your nail health a lot.
  • Many people overlook the importance of washing nails while washing hands. One should not do so. Washing the surface of nails is really important as we can have lots of bacteria near the nails.
  • You should also be careful with the use of manicures and pedicures. They can be really fun to apply, but actually they may also have some negative impact on your nails, because of the chemicals. So do not apply them too much, otherwise you will get unhealthy result.
  • Do not remove your cuticles because you may get infection. When you go to beauty salon, they may want to remove your cuticles. Do not let them do this, because it may bring an infection to nails.
  • Eat healthy and diverse food. You cannot have firm and healthy nails if you do not eat healthy. Different kind of vitamins and healthy staff is needed for every person who wants to have firm and healthy nails. In other case your nails will fall apart or break.

As you see there many factors that are really important when it comes to health of our nails. You should wash them properly, you should dry them, you should be careful with the use of chemicals in manicure or pedicure, you should watch out the condition of cuticles and in general you should just take care of your hands and feet.  You should definitely eat healthy as well. Use high quality creams and moisturizers. These are all the factors that will help you to maintain healthy nails and have better healthy, more beautiful nails, which you will be proud to show.

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