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The first date is a very important one. The date in your life may be is not the first one, but it is the first one with the lady you have a crash on and you really want to attract the girl. So the very first date is extremely important. Many things about relationship depend on the very first date. If the first date is good then many more dates will come for sure. However the first date is not an easy thing. You get really nervous, besides that, you have to look good and to behave good as well. So it is a complex of many things that you should pay much attention to.
So now let’s understand how you can look best on your first date, which will definitely make her like you even more. Here are the tips for you.
The very first thing you should know about your look during the first date, is that it has to be corresponding to the place you will have the date at. You should match the look with the place. For example if you are taking the lady to the country, you just cannot wear suit. That will look awful and lady will also feel awkward.
If you are going to good restaurant, wear classy clothes but not suit. If you wear suit, the girl may feel uncomfortable with you and feel as if you are in a very strict atmosphere. This will not allow her be relaxed and have good time with you. So you just can wear some classy trousers with shirt. No way for suit.
Besides this, shoes are also important. Women pay attention to shoes. So if you have dirty shoes and dust on them, then know that she will be disappointed. Just keep the shoes clean and neat. Shoes of course should correspond to the general look. You should wear classy shoes with classy looks, and sport ones only with casual or sport clothes.
If you are going to some cool place then I would recommend you to wear check shirt. All the women just love check shirt. They are so stylish, so fashionable and trendy that no girl can deny them. You can match the check shirts with light blue jeans and some comfortable shoes. In this case, I bet the girl will really like you. However you should also pay attention to where you go with this look. This one is good for some casual things or romantic date but not somewhere sophisticated.
The next tip is all about your hairstyle. Just be cool and get rid of old fashioned kind of hairstyle, which did not do anything except the bad for you. There are really cool hairstyles nowadays, with and without beard. So just try to do the hairstyles which are fashionable.
The next tip for you can be the about the perfume. Use perfume, because girls do like the men kind of smell, especially if it is a good one. So just go for it and use a good perfume. You can choose the one you want, but you have to smell very masculine.
The next tip is all about your accessories. One thing is for sure, all the women just love when men wear hand watches. This will make girls just be head over heels in love with you.
The next and the very last tip is related to your look for the very first date is about the bags. Bags are also very important. You can just avoid wearing bags, however if you do wear, then just make sure that it matches your style and everything on you.
So as you see the tips are not so many. You just have to follow them and I am sure if you behave well, then you have very high chances to have the next date with that lady. Stay cool, dress well, have good manners and behavior and talk about the topics which are interesting for her. In this case she will like you for sure. Of course do not forget to open doors for her and to give her flowers.
Good luck!