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Party is important factor for our lives. If you do not know how to party then you will have a boring life. It is good to have a very organized and fixed life, however parties are also necessary. Sometimes you need to have a really good party to let all the negative things to go away and to let the good come in. Besides party is the very place you will meet interesting people and make new friends. So there are many kinds and types of parties. The theme of parties differs, so therefore the way you should look also differs a lot. Today we will give you some tips on how to look during this or that party, in order to look handsome and make the other girls love you.

As you already know from our article, the very first thing in order to look great and have the right look is to pay attention to where you go, and correspond to that very place.

SO as we already said there are different kinds of parties, such as pajama parties, just disco parties wedding parties, birthday parties and parties in the countryside. There also other kinds of parties as well. However, these are the most common kind of parties.

  • SO let’s start from the classic disco party. These kinds of parties are usually held in disco clubs. For these kinds of parties you need to have the right cool guy image on you. So for that a check T-shirt can be just the perfect option. We already told you many times in our articles that check T-shirt is always very stylish. So if you want to look cool you can wear red and black check T-shirt with brown boots and light blue jeans. This is the kind of look that will be convenient for you to wear during the parties and disco and at the same time will attract all the women out there. They all will find you very attractive and handsome with this look.
  • Another good party can be the pajama party. During the pajama party you will wear pajama or sleepwear of course. However the pajama party is a fun kind of party, so you need to look somehow funny and at the same time very handsome. For that you can wear light brown and white pajama, with long sleeve shirt, which will show your shoulder and will make them look broader. At the same time you can wear funny hat which will make your look fun for the party as well. You can also wear shorts and some funny slippers in the shapes of animals.
  • For birthday parties actually you can have many options. Many birthday parties have some dress code. If the party does not have any dress code then you just have to match you look with the place the party is going to be at. If the party is in restaurant, then you should wear classy trousers, most often black trousers with a nice shirt. Do not wear suits for birthday parties. Birthday is a fun celebration and suit will make things too strict. If the birthday party is at home or somewhere ordinary, then you will just have to wear something casual and simple. So for birthday parties you are given lots of options. Just do whatever you like. The check T-shirt is also quite good option for this birthday party.
  • If the party is to the countryside, then you have to wear some very comfortable boots matched with sport clothes. This is all about comfort, enjoying the nature, fire and drinking. SO for this you need to feel comfortable and at the same time look cool and handsome.
  • If the party is related to groom, and is the pre-wedding party, then you should wear open T-shirts. This party is the craziest party ever, and you should do anything to make your friend have fun before his wedding. Just run crazy and have funny look. DO you hair messy and open your T-shirt.
  • On wedding party you should look classy and neat. Especially if you are the best man then you should definitely wear suit. Actually for wedding parties we recommend everyone look classy, wear suits, do neat hairstyle and you will look handsome for sure.

These were all the tips you should know in order to be handsome during these parties. Have fun!

Ani Mkrtchyan, a child of 3 nation, editor-in-chief of fashion of TTM. She will help your with your fashion tips. SHe is not ony into fashion but she writes articles on serious issues also, like politics. SHe is a student of BS of Polticial Science. I am a young, enthusiastic girl, a hardworking and strong-willed one, who sets goals and tries her best to reach them and who wants to be professional in everything she does. My dream is to make a good career on my own and become a successful woman step by step.