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When it comes to children who are already at the age of attending school and have to study it may be hard for them to adopt the situation. Some kids at the age of attending school for the first year still want to play games and still want to spend some time outdoors with friends instead of going school and studying, and you know that this is going to be a little bit hard to change. Most of the kids do not spend much time on studies, they are just kids and they want to play, and the hardest thing for parents to do is just to convince the child to study. That is called motivation. You have to motivate your child to study and get good grades, but this is also hard to do. Encouragement is hard to do especially when it is the very first year of school, the younger the child the more difficult is to motivate. However, the motivation is needed at the very early stage of getting into studies, if you want your child to succeed in all the spheres. Sometimes the children like to study and they do get good grades, but only from the subjects that they like. The subjects that they do not like, most often they just try to avoid. However there will always be some ways for smart parents to motivate the child and help them get the good grades.

  • So keep in mind the very first thing by which you can help your child with getting good grades is to encourage and to motivate the child.
  • The second way how you can motivate child is to make him understand that getting good scores will help to build up a better future. Good grades will make a way for him into a good university. After good university he or she will have a good job and will make good money, which in its turn will build a better future.
  • You can also promise little things like more time in front of computer, in case of getting good grades. Make a list of what he or she likes, put it on the table where the child gets prepared for lesson and every time he or she makes good success reward the child with one of the things on the list.
  • One of the best ways to motivate the kids is to let them know that you like what they do really good. If the child does something good, show that you appreciate it and you are proud of it. You can also praise the child in front of others, which will motivate the child to do more and more, better and better and he will get better scores.
  • Never give up the habit of following how the child is doing at school, otherwise the child may feel some freedom and slowdown in scores. Be watchful and attend school talk to teacher and know how your child is doing.
  • You have to provide a good corner for studies at home if you want the child to have concentration on studies. Make a good corner for the child and ask his or her opinion, it should be fancy for the child as well to study in the atmosphere he or she chooses, but make sure there is no TV or computer around the corner which can shift the attention away from studies.
  • The child cannot study the whole day. This is what many parents forget about. You should balance between the physical work of your child and between the mental work as well. So after mental work let him have some physical activity because the brain takes rest when the body is active.
  • It is also important to make sure that you child gets enough rest. Without rest it is just impossible to succeed. Especially when it is the starting point of studies, make sure to provide some rest for the child.
  • If you feel that your child alone cannot succeed and if you do not have much information about the subjects he is studying or if you are a busy parent, then hire a tutor he can help the child get prepared and have good scores.
  • Sometimes provide the child with extra information, especially about the issues and the subjects the child is interested in. This is another means of motivating.

These were the easiest ways how to motivate and encourage your child to get better grades, which later on may be fatal for the child.

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