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Many people think that being knowledgeable, having money, making good marketing and doing a lot of other things like that is enough for the successful development of your business. The thing is that actually it is not enough. Look at the people around you and you will understand immediately that the people you that have more contacts, the people who are very sociable, who like interacting with others are much more successful than those who are closed. In this respect, being more sociable and having more contacts is much more useful because it will bring a lot of interest to your company and you will become better in what you do, or at least you will make it easier. Meeting perspective partners is always great and will make you a good company. Many people also think that it is quite hard to reach to some of very important contacts for you, so in this article we are going to discuss it all.
Networking is a very essential thing for your business but network is not enough. You need to build sustainable relations with your contacts. SO how can you do it? You should thanks them all who does something for you whether it is sharing one of your posts or simply doing something for you. This will show that you are a grateful person and will also give a space to talk more.
If you have not met some of them for a while, then just ask them how they are, what they are feeling up to and what is going with them. This might take your relations to some other levels.
You should also help them in a way. If the person is busy with a business, then you can promote it, for example by sharing it in fb. If you do this while the person does not even ask, this will make things only better and you will feel great about it.
Another way you can keep in touch with some of the people you want to keep in touch with is that you should actually send them useful information. If you send them useful information, the person will think that you are thinking of him or her and that you are trying to do something good and useful.
These were the smart techniques that will help you to somehow get be connected to the people that you want to keep in touch with, but you might have another question. How are you going to know this people?
Well, first of all you should attend business forums and meetings where there are a lot of influential people. Talk to them, make up some stories to grab some information, some contacts and also try to make a good impression. If you make a good impression, then you might also be interested In you and this is how your relations will grow.
Another way how to get contacts is to attend seminars where you can meet up with new people from that same sphere. This is really great as this sort of people can be very important for you in your business as they can turn into potential partners.
Another thing you should actually do is that you should connect not only the people that are from that same sphere you are from, but actually from very different spheres as you can never imagine what they can do for you. Sometimes we think that we do not need to know people from this or that sphere but actually every sphere can be of great help. When it comes to business and to your startup you never know, a lot of people can really be useful for you. So from this point of view we have to tell you that you should not stick to any specific sphere but you should make a lot of different contacts and a lot of different acquaintances. Be nice to anyone and everyone, regardless the job that they have. This is also very important as people will know you as a good person and that means that you work on your name also. I know that it is quite hard to be nice to everyone and to be in good relations with them to always be sociable, ask questions , sometimes pretend being interested even when you are not that interested , but if you really want to be in business and you want to be a successful person in your market then you have to have contacts. There will also be a period of time when you will come to the conclusion that actually money cannot do everything but contacts sometimes can do a lot of things. Sometimes contacts are really more powerful than money. So just try to be more sociable.