(c) Can Stock Photo / kchungtw
Engaging more and more would always be a difficult task. You may think that you have done everything possible for engaging them however sometimes those methods can be not enough, or better say – too much. If done all of them you can start annoying the people who could be your potential customers. In other words you should always keep the balance between either not doing anything or overdoing and annoying people. So, here are some things you can should make sure you are not doing:
Writing and sending letters too often
We have discussed the email marketing methods before and the ways you can use in order to make it more effective. While knowing this you should also take into account that writing too often may have a negative effect. Let’s say you are sending the same letter several times and then followong up to see what happened and why you didn’t get an answer. Let ua be honest and admit that eventually your messages will get into trash or will be mentioned as spam. Knowing how many times you should write your customers is essential in order not to become annoying and lose people who could be interested in cooperation with you and your company.
Calling too often
Another way of annoying is calling. Well, this is another marketing trick, but if you are calling your each customer every time to tell about a sale or any other news that may be embarrassing. For this, you can go on and create your customers’ portfolios. This can be separate information about the general preferences with your customers. After each call and conversation you are having with the customers make some notes about their reaction. Did they ask you to call every time and keep them updated? great, note that. Did they ask you not to call them anymore? great again, note that in order to call them only in special occasions and or not call them at all. All of those things should be mentioned in your customer portfolios to help you know What should be your future steps.
Social media profiles
Track your social media profiles, be careful to how many followers, friends, likes you have. See if they are engaged with the posts you are doing. If the number of your followers is gradually decreasing, then something is not right. Though, many people are now used to following and unfollowing, however most of the times, the decrease of the number of your followers would indicate that something is wrong. This can have different reasons:
- Your posts are not interesting and do not engage people. Even if your company is one of the best ones, if the posts in facebook are not interesting, most likely wouldn’t like to see those posts in their news feed every time.
- You are too passive in social media – this is the opposite case when you, being too passive may result your followers to unfollow or unlike you. This is because time by time people are editing the liat of people, pages they follow and if they see your last post was a month ago they will most probably not keep you in that list anymore.
- You are talking about everything – Here you, trying to be as active as possible, are sharing everything that seems interesting to you. Usually that may even not have any direct connection with the company and the sphere you are working in. Try to escape too much political and govermental posts, sharings that are too far from your company’s interests and sphere. If you really want to share all of that information you can keep a personal profile. Sharing that via official page of the business is senseless.
All of these together mean that all you have to do is following the social media rules and be a real social media user. Doesn’t matter what you would like to do in your personal profile (Facebook, Instagram or Twitter page), the official profiles of the company should be accurate in their information, interesting for the users and not annoying by non-relative posts.
You are not giving feedback
Doesn’t matter whether we talk about the social media or your websites reviews or the direct reviews that you get, you should mostly give a feedback. If you are just ignoring both the positive and negative comments and reviews people won’t find them to be a part of something. Even when the customers are giving a bad review they are trying to change something to the better. That means ignoring them and not giving a proper answer would make them feel you don’t care about them. you should show your love towards the customers and that they are important to you. Make sure to give a proper answer. Eben of the review is a negative one, mention that your company will work on fixing this or that issue. Do not forget to thank them for taking their time and writing a review. This will make it even better and will create some kind of a relationahip between you and the customers.
Those are most of the things that shouldn’t be done when trying to engage new customers. Remember, if you don’t annoy them, the possibility that they can become your customers is huge. Keeping these rules or so called facts can help you reach a better result soon and not get be boring. After all, you are playing with the name of the company, so make sure you are not bringing a negative light to it. At the end, just continue working and engaging new customers. Good luck to you in that difficult job.