(c) Can Stock Photo / Alexmit
Marketing through content is one of the most popular things of 21st century to which we are so used to. As we say content, people may sometimes refer to only articles, the writings that is shared through various content sharing sites. However, when we usually say content, it includes also images, infographics, various types of visuals, presentations and, of course, videos. As each and every content, videos also have their peculiarities and in order to have successful results of creating them, one should know several tricks and take into account several factors.
Decide the subject of the video
If you are using the video for the company promotion, the subject of the video should be clear. In reality, doesn’t matter what product exactly you are promoting, most of the times, it is what is in the video that matters. In other words – if you are presenting it right and showing it in a kind and nice mode, people won’t even notice that it is promotional. Have you noticed that recently, videos which are more about motivation and inspiration, or kind and caring tend to go more viral then the other ones. Why? Because that is what people need and are looking for. This means, what you have got to do is analyzing the video market to see what are people making, what is going viral, what are people waiting for? Having the answers to these questions will help you better understand the subject of your video.
Quality of the video
If you are doing this professionally, this can be odd to you – “How can we create a bad quality video?”. However, even if you know this, we are going to repeat it again – Quality matters. People won’t share videos where you don’t see anything, well obviously If it is not a documentary filmed during some real events. In other words, try to be as clear in the video images as possible.
Length of the video
The average length of most of the videos is starting from 3 minutes to 4 minutes and 20 seconds. That means the length of the video also matters a lot. If you are not shooting a documentary or a film and want to have a usual promotion of the company, then make sure your video is not too long. If it is more than 10 minutes, people would probably not go till the end, most of them won’t even start watching it when they see the whole length. However, keeping it too short won’t work either, because in this case you won’t have enough time to include all of the necessary information into it. In short, you have got to find that golden middle that is not less than 1 minute and more than 8-10 minutes, in order to attract more viewers. Make sure your content doesn’t get lost because of the editing, and keep it interesting. People shouldn’t look at the time when they look at the video.
Write the script of the video
If you want your video to be totally optimized for your videos, you can continue your video creating by writing the script. For some people the language of your video may be foreign and they may want to read it in order to understand it. So, take that into account as well, in order to be available for everyone.
Know the right time to posting it and the right place to hosting it
There are several video sharing websites and pages which host videos. In most of the cases people host their videos via YouTube, so make sure you choose the best option for your video. Create an official YouTube page for your company and share the video. If your next question is “When should I share my video?” – the answer is – Whenever your viewers are most active. Take into account the time zones while posting, so that you will be sure most of your viewers are active at that time.
SEO optimize it
When posting the video, you will surely have the part for the title, description, tags etc. Make sure you are optimizing your video accordingly. Most probably you would like to target some keywords with the help of your keywords. This means you should write a better description, which will shortly describe the essence of the video and use relevant keywords. Same refers to the tags and the title of the video. Make sure the title of the video is both catchy and informative, interesting and attractive. Because sometimes all people look at is the title. Also, set the image which will be seen before opening the video: you can either choose from the available options, or create totally another picture which will be of a better quality and set it a primary image.
Go on with promoting it
Your video is not just going to go viral: it has to be promoted. Share the video via the official profiles that your company has, involve more and more followers and fans. Another way of reaching more views is tagging more influencers on your sharing, so that they will reach to it as well. In other words, make sure you are sharing it with every possible channel that you have, because people may miss it and your job is to reach to them. You can also post a description of the video and use the relevant tags while sharing in social platforms as well, in order the viewer will know what they are opening.
Those easy steps will help you have better videos, which are optimized and will get better views by your audience. We hope your video will go viral soon, so we wish you many new visitors and subscribers. Good luck!