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Studies show that most of the fathers are the kindest fathers when it comes to parenting the daughter, but when it comes to raising sons, they are very strict. Do you know what is behind this? Well, men are perfectly acquainted on ways the sons can get on the wrong path, so by all means they try to be strict and to prevent them of all the things that may harm them. Very often dads do not allow their sons to do the same things as they did in their childhood, because they want to prevent sons from the past mistakes and want to create the better version of them. So how do men raise up men?
- First of all to raise up a good man, fathers have to become role models. They certainly want to picture how should men behave, how should they think and other staff. However, to make him the way you want him to be, or to make him behave the way you him behave, you have to become the role model. You yourself have to behave in certain ways. Sons always repeat the same as their father do, so this means that you have to look up yourself first.
- If you want to raise up a better man then you yourself are, then teach them how to plan. Most of the boys do not like planning and just leave everything on the last minute. At some point this is right, but on the other hand, a good man must know how to plan. So just get him used to planning and making schedules. He must know what steps to take and how to count the causes of certain steps.
- Teach him to live by rules and if violating them, just make him face with the consequences. This is another way to make the man more disciplined which will definitely make him a good man. This is a world where we all live according to some rules, and violating them may have some serious causes, side effects and consequences for us. So set some certain rules at home, and if he violates those rules, then punish him somehow to show that every step may have consequences. This also will make him smarter and will teach him to think before acting.
- Teach them how to control emotions, especially anger. Some men are really hot-tempered and get angry too early. This is not something good, so teach him that he always must control his emotions, because they can make him weak in other’s eye.
- Help him set some sort of collection of principles and teaches him how to be loyal to those principles. In that case he will become a good person also, who will be determined and will reach his goals easier.
- Teach him that men are strong and that they must be protecting and respectful to older and to women. Not only say this to him, but also show him every time you have the chance. That is how we will learn it all.
- Put him into small situations where he alone must make decisions. This one will also help your son be more independent and will build up a strong character of a man who know what he wants and knows how to make the right choices and decisions, because life is a bunch of choices.
These were the 7 best ways on how to create a better man than you were once. It is natural that parents want to have better children, than they were ones, and want to prevent them from getting on the wrong path. So following these 7 major tips you will most likely be able to do that.