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(c) Can Stock Photo


It is really important for a girl to take a good care of their wardrobe. When it comes to dresses they like to take a really special care of dresses because dresses are what make us more beautiful and gorgeous.  Women look so soft and delicate in dresses.  Especially when the dress is made of taffeta silk. It makes things even better and better. As we know the better is the dress the more difficult it is to take care of it and to clean it. It is really difficult to clean the dresses precisely because if you clean them too hard then they will lose the freshness and look old, however, if you clean less they will look old again no matter how beautiful or fashionable your dress is. So what is taffeta? For all those who do not really know what taffeta is, just to give you general idea, taffeta is a fine silk, which is syntactic and has a soft and at the same time crispy texture.

The word “taffeta” has Persian origin, and it actually means a twisted woman. The texture taffeta is usually used to make fine dresses including wedding dresses or even for curtains.

At the first time taffeta was used in Italy and France in 18th century. Today Pakistan and India are actively producing taffeta.

The best option to clean this tricky texture is to take it to dry cleaner. As we know dry cleaner does not include water, which can make a good option for taffeta because with dry cleaning they will keep their softness and chic.

However there is an option to clean the taffeta dress at home, by following simple instructions carefully if the taffeta is made of sturdy fibers.

So the very first thing you need to do in order to clean it by yourself is to take a big bowl and add cold water there. Then sink the taffeta into water and out of water with careful moves, avoiding rough actions.  Then rinse the dress so much until the soup is gone. Then take a white towel and roll the dress so as to remove the wetness, after that hang the dress in order to make it dry. You should dry it in a place which lacks sunlight and which is ventilated, because the sunlight may spoil the quality and lose the freshness of the dress.

If there is a dirty place in one area of the dress, you anyway have to clean the whole dress, because after cleaning the color shade of the dress may be changed, and if you clean only a certain part of your dress it may be stand out.

If you are sure that you will be able to follow those instructions and will not harm or damage your dress, then you can briefly do it yourself, if not then better to take it for dry cleaning.

Taffeta dress can make you the most delicate person while you are wearing it, so take a good care of your taffeta dress.