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Changing the culture of the company is most probably one of the most difficult tasks, and you, as an HR manager would definitely face many challenges while passing through it. Let us start with discussing how those company cultures arise and how they become traditions, habits or rules to which employees should follow.
First of all, in most of the companies those cultures are being originated by the boss and his/ her rules. Those cultures are being formed according to the ideology, world conception and many other factors of the boss. However, those cultures can be changed with every new employee who comes to the company. This is because everyone brings with themselves new views to the world and job, new ideas and thoughts, new habits and those are somehow effecting the company culture.
If you are an HR manager and want to make some changes in your company culture here is what you have to discuss first:
- Is the culture you have at the company bad and you want to make it at least a little bit of good?
- The company has nearly no culture and habits and you want to create it from the beginning?
- The company has its culture and it’s pretty good, you just want to work on that and make it better.
Let’s start from the first and second options: when the culture of the company is bad, or there is no culture. Well, in reality it is too difficult to say that there will be any company that won’t have any culture. As even the strictest companies with those “hateful” bosses are having some rules. And here those rules are even more in their number than anywhere else. However, if we speak about the culture being good or bad, well, you can work here. If you are an HR manager struggling between the strict boss and always complaining employees, here are some things you can consider:
- Start with the little things – It is always difficult to come to ones’ house and say that you are changing it completely. The first reaction would always be – Why? when? – NO! Yes, the final answer may always be NO at the end, if you do not use the right tactics. Start with the little things to come to a conversation and then come to the big ones.
- Write down the company strategies – Write down the strategies, goals that the company has and create a plan. Include in this plan the things that should be done (which are the part of the culture) and how they will effect to the rapid development of the company and reaching the goals.
Let us now pass to the third option: when the company has a good culture, however you want to make it even better. Here are some things to follow if you are in this step:
- Define your values, mission and vision – It is great that you have already some formed traditions, habits that you are following at the company. And If you want everything to be more organized, in a more defined and explained way, here is the key: your values, your mission and vision. Define those 3 in a way you wish to, either as a constitution of the company, or as a wall paper or as an “about us” website page information –doesn’t matter. Just having the answer to these 3 things would help both you and your employees or team members know what they are working for. Which are those most important values they should be stick to? What are their mission they are following while at the office, what vision do they have?
- What are your needs – besides the 3 things we have discussed above, you should also define the needs of the company. This will most probably coincide with what we have above, however having separated the needs would make the whole job easier.
- What do you lack – Evaluate the needs and write down the things you lack. Those can be either a knowledge in a sphere that your employee lacks, or a lack of a training etc. In all of those cases you can write down the things you lack and make a new culture: filling up the gaps. Organize an event, training for people who want to learn this or that thing, make it fun and make it interesting. This will definitely become one of the most loved habits or traditions that your company has.
- Review the awarding system – Make sure you are evaluating all of the aspects in your company, included awarding system. Make a culture of awarding your employees for the good job done, either by just saying “that’s great” “Thank you” or thinking of another way of rewarding. This will be an amazing addition to all of the other amazing changes.
- Work on it constantly – all of the things can go great and seem to be amazing, however one thing you should keep doing as an HR manager is constantly working on this. Continually follow up with the things around you in the company, make sure you learn about the changes that appear to be in the company, and just do it!
We hope that the tips we have talked about will help you in creating or developing the company culture you are working in. It will need a hard job done, but be sure that the results will let you speechless. Good luck!