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Boost fertility naturally in women.

Almost every women dreams of being mother one day. It is one of the biggest blessings to have own babies for women and giving a birth. However, being a mother and a source of life is a luxury gift for some women, juts because they try everything to get pregnant, but in vain. Nothing helps. The couple visits doctors, who try to investigate and understand the problems why the woman does not get pregnant. In reality there can be many underlying problems why women cannot get pregnant, but there are also some natural ways thanks to which you can naturally boost your fertility.

First of all the reason why you do not get pregnant, may be because the intercourse you have is not as close as needed. The close intercourse does help the fertility.

There is another reason why you do not get pregnant. Do you overweight or underweight? Before you wish to get pregnant, you largely overlook the factor of your weight, but in reality weight has a lot to do with fertility. So take a really good control of your health. It does not matter you want to get pregnant at the time or not. Always take care of your health and always take control of your weight. Eat healthy, yet do not overweight.  Try not to eat so much of junk food.

The next thing we should do is to avoid drinking too much of coffee or alcohol. Caffeine has strong ties with law fertility so drinking more than 5 cups of coffee per day may harm your fertility. However, caffeine has some good and essential qualities also, and the fact that coffee makes fertility level law, should not make you stop drinking coffee. You just have to control the amount and drink about 2 cups per day, which is absolutely fine.

When it comes to alcohol, then you should not take more than 2 cups of alcohol a day when you are trying to get pregnant. The maximum amount is 2 cups, however it would have been better not to drink at all, if you want to get pregnant. After pregnancy also you should not drink alcohol as it may be risky for baby health.

Are you smoking? If you are smoking then it can be one of the reasons why you do not get pregnant. Smoking is connected to how receptive the uterus is to the egg. So give up smoking. Once you are pregnant you had better continue the non-smoking lifestyle, as smoking while pregnancy can be a cause of miscarriage.

You can follow a healthy fertility diet. Did not know there is such a diet? Yes, there is. The diet includes lots of healthy products that can benefit your fertility. SO what you should do is too eat organic, whole fat food. When it comes to fish, then it is definitely good, but try cold water fish. Wild Alaskan salmon, cod, Alaskan halibut can be a good option for you, because they are rich in vitamin A, protein and fatty acids. Choose grass feed and organic meat. You should eat a lot of grains, but in natural way not in refined state. For example instead of eating white bread, eat a dish cooked with grains.  Avoid refined sugars and drink lots of clean water per day.

You need to have lots of Vitamin D, as this helps the sex hormones in organism, which in its turn helps the hormonal balance and fertility. So eat products rich in Vitamin D. Vitamin C and Vitamin D is also important when it comes to fertility.

So these were the most common ways how to help the fertility. Just give up some habits, know some simple facts, and you may help greatly your fertility and have your own babies.

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