(c) Can Stock Photo / iconogenic

(c) Can Stock Photo / iconogenic

Pregnancy is a real gift of life which nearly every woman dreams of. However, many women are afraid of pregnancy just because they are afraid to get too much weight. This is very freaky and scary thing about women who want to get married but who are afraid of gaining too much weight. Actually the problem is that you want it or not, you cannot control it. During pregnancy you will have to eat more and therefore you will also weight more. However, many women really get too much weight and just cannot control their weights. Some pregnant women do not even eat that much, but still they cannot control their weights. This makes them stressed out, nervous and they do not really know what to do about it.

Actually it is important to control the weight during pregnancy. The issue is that if you get too much weight you will feel extremely bad and heavy, you will not be able to move easily and also you will have feet problem and also heart problems. That is the reason why you should really control your weight during pregnancy. So now we will give you some tips on how to do it.

One of the most important things here is that you should start pregnancy at healthy weight. If you are at healthy weight during pregnancy then it is more likely that you will succeed.

  • The next thing we have to tell you is that you should eat moderately and quite often. This means that you should eat really small portions but you should eat very often. This will keep your stomach small and at the same time you will be able to understand whether you are hungry or not. Very often we eat big portions without understanding that we are not hungry. So eating frequently and by small portions the food which is made of vegetables, fruits and protein will help you a lot. In between meals you should also have healthy snacks. Include watery and juice fruits in your diet, food rich in fiber and protein.
  • Besides this, you should drink up water as much as possible. This means that dehydration is the last thing the pregnant woman wants. So basically if you want to control you weight successfully you have to control the water in your body as well. SO drink water every morning before eating anything. Drink water before sleep as well. Water is just necessary both for you and for the baby as well. Besides this, drinking water is the key to having good and healthy skin. It is also good because if you drink water you do not feel so much hunger.
  • The next thing you can do is to have some constructive cravings. This means that instead of eating a portion of unhealthy thing, you should eat a portion of healthy thing combined with a little less healthy item. For example if you want to eat something really sweet, then you can eat oat and add some jam on top. This will help you to get what you want but combined with healthy food. This in its turn will not contribute to your weight that much.
  • Instead of eating unhealthy sugar every day, replace it with healthy kind of sugar. This means that instead of sweet or white chocolate or cakes you have to eat dates, honey, bananas and dark chocolate. These ingredients contain healthy kind of sugar and at the same time they will not contribute to you weight.

So as you see the principles of having a healthy diet that will allow yourself not to gain weight is extremely important. Just make sure you follow the tips that we gave, including drinking much water, replacing the unhealthy kind of sugar with the healthy kind of sweets, eat in small portions and often, eat food rich in fiber and I am sure you will not gain so much weight. Moreover you and your baby will feel extremely good and healthy. Besides this you should do some kind of physical activities as well. This means that you can do some pregnancy sports or exercises, which will make you be active.