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Can you imagine it when you just got into the business market and you are a new in it. It depends on the sphere of ours but usually in every sphere there are big players, that is big companies that already have their clients and are standing still on the ground. Usually the founders of this new companies are pretty scared as they do not really know how to deal with this kind of situation when they are almost nothing. They are  not even in competition. One of the worst illusions of entrepreneurs who start u, is that once they set the company, they are already in competition. However, this is completely wrong to think because once you start you should set a goal to become a competitor. Becoming a competitor is already the state where you can say that you are strong enough to compete with the big players. If you appear in that competition it means that you already have done a great job as a startup.

One of the things that competitors should understand also is that you have to be tolerant. Being into competition takes a lot of time and that is not easy to do. You have to be patient and wait because you cannot wake up and find yourself in competition immediately.

So now let’s understand how you can find yourself in competition.

  • First of all in order to beat your competitors you have to know the weakness of your competitors. You can go as a customer one time and understand what their weaknesses are. The major weakness of the big companies is that actually they are slow in service which gets on nerves of all the clients. They can be really good in what they do, but they do it slow. So what you should do is to beat them in that. Make your service super quick and for sure your customer will like it. This is a really good trick which can beat your competitor.
  • The next thing that will beat your clients is the very special attitude to your clients. The thing is that actually when you have a very special attitude they will remember you even if they refuse to work with you. Another major problem of big companies is that they actually do not care that much about clients and normally take them for granted. In this case you must use this weakness as your strength. Show every single customer a very special attitude and you will be remembered.
  • Another weakness of major companies is that they think that they have earned millions, they still have millions to invest, they their product or service and they do not listen to what the clients want. This is of course not right to do but that is how they work. Be smart enough and use this weakness for your own sake. Listen to clients very carefully and take into consideration all the details that they ask for.  Even if they want something which is impossible or is not right, explain them why you say no and offer an alternative to what they want. This is a very important factor when the clients feels that she is being listened to.
  • The last thing again I have to say is that things do not happen in one night. You have to work for years in order to find yourself in competition alongside with the companies that have been doing it for years. This is not an easy path to go but it is reliable.


Besides this you also need to know that once you are on the level of being competitor with the big companies, you need to do everything to pull yourself higher. This means that if your goal before was to be in competition with them, now it is to beat them in it. For this you need to set a new strategy. If it is enough for you that you are in competition with them then you will not go up. You just always think of improving your business and once you are in competition you need to go higher and higher.

A lot of people who want to start their business are afraid of competition and do not start it just because of that. Do not be so much afraid of competition as actually there is nothing bad in it. Competition will only make you grow faster as you have to keep up with competitors. If it is a healthy competition then it will only lead to the improvement of your startup.  So use all that tricky ways that we introduced above to turn the weakness of your competitor into your strength and  this is how you will appear to be in competition with the big players.