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(c) Can Stock Photo

What are wrinkles? Wrinkles are creases which appear as a result of ageing usually. However they can appear because of being in water for too long as well. There are some other results also. The first one that the person can notice on his face are the once cause by facial expressions. The damage of sun, dehydration, smoking and genetic factors may as well be the cause of smoking. Usually face, the back parts of hands and neck get more wrinkles than other parts of body, because they get more sunlight.

Usually there is no person who is able to avoid wrinkles. The only option is to get wrinkles and then do surgery.

Actually why are the wrinkles connected to ageing process? The answer is because when you are young your skin is more flexible, than when you are older. So for example when you make an expression your skin comes up and then goes back easily when you are young, while when you are not young, the skin does not go back and this is how wrinkles origin.

When it comes to men wrinkles, then we have to say, that wrinkles are not something that men face too much. Men have thicker skin then women, so the problem connected to wrinkles is something that men face rarer than women. However, men also face the problem of having wrinkles.

So now let’s understand how men can get rid of their wrinkles while they are young.

  • The very first thing you can do is washing your face with the kind of cleanser which does not make the skin dryer. Before shaving you should also use pre-shave oil.
  • Shaving for men can really be beneficial, because while you are shaving you are moving out the dead skin cells and the dead hair as well. So there is an opportunity for new and better skin to come and this is really good because it reduces the risk of wrinkles on face. That is why you should shave.
  • Use a sunscreen containing vitamin C and also eat products rich I vitamin C. Tomatoes, lemon and spinach are good source of vitamin C. So it means you have to follow healthy diet as well, in order to skip the wrinkles.
  • Clean your skin with cold water and night and use moisturizer. Depending on the climate you may have your face dried during night time. SO it is really important to wash your with cold water at night before your sleep.
  • Use retinol cream at night, because they contribute to collagen production and this in its turn helps to have firmer skin and prevent or get rid of wrinkles. There are creams for body and for face as well. So you can briefly use the both for body and for face

It is not only about some products or washing process that will help you, but also about your lifestyle.

If you want to get rid of wrinkles while you are young, you can easily do that, due to the instructions we gave, but you have to also eat healthy and live a life without depressions and stress. So one thing is for sure, wrinkles and actually everything connected to skin has a lot to do with the whole lifestyle of yours.

If you drink, if you smoke and sleep late, then of course you will have a tendency of having more and more wrinkles. Hygiene matters a lot in this case as well. Those men who grow beards are more likely to have wrinkles over chest and over cheeks as well because they irritate their skin by letting thick hair grow there and not taking care of their hair. This makes the skin be under pressure and then it causes some kind of wrinkles or other skin issues. This is why we highly recommend men to shave. This is probably the most useful thing of all ever when it comes to men.

Also dust can harm a lot, and that is why we advised you to wash your skin with cold water before sleep. Nerves have also a lot to do with wrinkles. When you make dissatisfied face expression you get more wrinkles.

So this is all you need to know if you want to get rid of wrinkles at the young age. Men are more lucky at this case, and it is easier for them to get rid of wrinkles than for women, because of having thicker skin.