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How does it feel like being a single mom? Actually we all know the answer. The answer is that being a single mom is even more difficult than you think it is. Can you imagine a kid and a home, you are responsible of. Many women cannot even be responsible for themselves let alone taking care of home, of child and of herself. This required strong personality, endless courage and positivism. All the women like to have a shoulder to lean on, and this situation when you have to do all by yourself all the time is just so tiring. You have to be man also, there is no other option. This is what single mom’s life is all about. Even these moms who have husband or partner by their sides, it is still difficult to manage everything. When you are a single mom, you are the only one responsible for the child, you are the only money maker and the only housekeeper, and the list goes on and on. Actually you are both a mother and a father in a small tiny and soft body and things are not really fun. The things get even worse when the biological father of your child is faded away and does not help you somehow. What if you do not have a good job?

See it is already complicated. So let’s dive in, because it is not only about money.

First of all when you are a single mom and when something happens to the baby, you are the only one to worry. This may sound superficial, but actually it is important to have someone by your side who shares your thoughts, feelings and worries. Otherwise you seem to be more helpless. Even the moral help can mean a lot and when you are a single mom, you do not have your hubby or the father of the kid to share the same worries with you, and this is scary.

The next moment here is the moment when your child asks you where the father is. He or she sees that friends have both parents, and he lacks one. This is a very stressful fact for the child, and very often you also do not know what to answer and how to behave.

You celebrate the child’s birthday alone, and it feels very dramatic. There is no one by your side to share the happiness of the birth. It seems at some cases that you are the only one to be happy about having the baby. This happy occasion turns into a dramatic one for single mom.

Sometimes you have to disappoint your child and this is disappointing for you also. You are barely managing with finances, with time and in physiological aspect, so technically you do not know what to do, because you wholeheartedly want to do everything you child asks you, but you cannot do anything but to disappoint.

It feels awful seeing that you child is different from others. No matter how much you try, no matter what you do your child is different because there is no father influence in him, and this difference is obvious even for the child. He has some difficulties with communicating with mates. If the child is a son then things are much harder. You are a woman, you do not know how to treat him and how to make him a real man. The lack of father directly influences to his relations with other boys. If the child is a daughter, things may be slightly better, but still the lack of father results in wrong image of man in your daughter’s eye, and this really worries you.

You think you can do it all alone, but sometimes you have to find some people and ask them for help. You are a soft woman and you alone cannot fix everything in the house. This irritates you.

Unfortunately, single moms are large in number. This is a sad reality, because any child needs both parents. Each of the single moms has her own story behind. However, before becoming a single mom, if you know you will become a single mom, just think deep into the issue.

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